Ayurved Doctor

Home Remedies

Home remedies for Tinnitus

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a ringing sound which a person hears in one or the both of the ears. The sound can persist for a long time or can come and go at regular intervals. Tinnitus is basically of two types, objective, and subjective tinnitus.

In objective tinnitus, not only the affected person is able to hear the sound but also those surrounding the person are able to hear the buzzing or ringing sound, whereas in subjective tinnitus, the person all alone hears the sound.

Causes of Tinnitus:

The presence of a foreign particle, aging are some of the common factors that cause tinnitus. If you are also experiencing a buzzing sound in your ears, then there is no need to worry as there are several home remedies that help to get rid of tinnitus in the most natural manner. The main essence of these home remedies is they don?t cause any side effects.

Home Remedies for Tinnitus:

  1. Put some 20-40 mg extract of Maidenhair tree in the ear or ears affected with tinnitus.
  2. Eat more and more fresh pineapples. This is because; pineapples reduce the inflammation in the ear which in turn cures tinnitus.
  3. Chew loads of dry fruits. This is because; dry fruits enhance the blood circulation thereby reducing the effects of tinnitus.
  4. Take alternate cold and hot foot baths.
  5. Mix one teaspoonful of salt in glycerin and add a pint of warm water to it. Spray this mixture in each of your nostrils until it reaches to your throat.
  6. Avoid the consumption of beverages such as tea, coffee and refined alcohol. Avoid eating sweet foods. These only aggravate the problem of tinnitus.
  7. Eat more and more vegetables and fruits, garlic, sea vegetables and kelp. Eat foodstuff rich in proteins, vitamin B, vitamin A, Vitamin E and choline, and zinc.
  8. Avoid eating saturated fats, sugar, salts and processed foods.
  9. Exercise on a regular basis to keep the problem of tinnitus at bay.
  10. Wear ear plugs made up of moldable wax or rubber foam. This is also one of the best home remedies for tinnitus.

So the next time you hear a ringing sound in your ears, just use these home remedies and get rid of tinnitus.

Home Remedies

Home remedies for Toothache

What is Toothache?

Toothache is common, and almost every individual gets affected by it at some point of their lives. It happens without any warning. If not taken proper care, toothache can give you sleepless nights.

Causes of Toothache:

Tooth decay is the most common cause of toothache. Apart from this, consumption of soft drinks, candy, pastries and refined carbohydrates also lead to toothache. This is because these foods contain sugar and the bacteria present in our mouth break down the sugar into acids which in turn combine with calcium present in the enamel and hence cause tooth erosion or decay. However, several home remedies help to treat tooth decay.home remedy Tooth ache

Home remedies for toothache:

  1. A piece of garlic with rock salt sprinkled over it when placed on the affected tooth is one of the best home remedies which help to cure toothache. It relieves pain as well as cures it.
  2. Chewing cloves early in the morning is also one of the most efficient home remedies that help cure toothache. The main essence behind chewing clove is it not only cures toothache but also make the teeth strong and healthy
  3. Place a small piece of onion on the affected tooth. This will help cure toothache. Onion possesses excellent anti-bacterial properties and hence helps kill the germs present in the mouth. This is also one of the best home remedies which you can use whenever you suffer from toothache.
  4. Gargling with salt water is also one of the effective home remedies which help to cure toothache. It cures the infection and hence cures toothache. However, while gargling, see to it that you rinse your mouth thoroughly with the saltwater.
  5. Make a paste of bayberry, mix it with vinegar and then apply this paste on the affected tooth. This will relieve the pain caused due to toothache.
  6. Extract some juice from the wheat grass and gargle. This not only cures tooth decay but also eliminates the toxic substance from the gums and regulates the growth of bacteria in the mouth
  7. Place some ice cubes on the area of the bad tooth. It will ease the pain caused due to the bad tooth.

So the next time you get toothache, don’t worry, just use these proven home remedies and then see how they help in reducing the toothache.

Home Remedies

Home remedies for Vomiting

What is Vomiting?

A forceful expulsion of contents of the stomach as a result of the contraction of the muscles of the stomach is known as vomiting. It is also called emesis. Many times you attempt to vomit but don?t expel anything, such a condition is known as retching.

Causes of Vomiting:

Overeating or drinking excessive alcohol, infections, migraine, stomach upset or virus, Flu, poisoning, acute gastritis, intestinal obstructions, peptic ulcers and many other factors cause vomiting. However, just like there are plenty of reasons for vomiting, there are also plenty of home remedies available that cure vomiting.

Home Remedies for Vomiting:

  1. Drink ginger tea with a little amount of sugar to cure vomiting.
  2. Cold lemon juice is also beneficial when it comes to stopping vomiting.
  3. Heat two cardamoms on a pan and make a powder and drink it with honey several times a day. This home remedy will quickly help you to get rid of vomiting.
  4. Peach bark tea, catnip, and holy basil also play a significant role in treating vomiting. You can consume these whichever form you like.
  5. A mixture of lime juice and mint juice with ginger juice and one teaspoonful of honey, when taken 2-3 times a day effectively, helps to treat vomiting.
  6. Drink onion juice after every 2 hours whenever you feel like vomiting.
  7. Drink the mixture of two teaspoonful of cumin seeds and water.
  8. If you vomit due to excess consumption of alcohol, then eat 1-2 slices of bread as this will soak all the liquid.
  9. Put some pieces of clove or cinnamon in your mouth; this is an instant way to get rid of vomiting.
  10. A mixture of honey and apple cider vinegar when taken with water also effectively stops vomiting.
  11. Take a lemon and cut it into two pieces and then add some rock salt. Lick the lemon till you feel better. This is one of the instant ways to stop vomiting.
  12. Avoid eating oily, heavy & unhealthy foods and spicy foods whenever you are vomiting.

So follow these home remedies whenever you suffer from vomiting. All these home remedies are easy and proven methods that help to get rid of vomiting. Apart from using these home remedies also keep in mind that you need to avoid solid foods after 12 hours of vomiting. Drink more and more fluids such as water, non-acid drinks and vegetable juices.

Home Remedies

Home remedies for wrinkles

What are wrinkles?

Wrinkles occur due to the loosening of the skin. As we grow older, our skin loses its moisture and elasticity, which in turn leads to wrinkles all around the face. Wrinkles also appear at an early age due to overexposure to the sun.

Causes of Wrinkles:

Age, using harmful chemicals in the form of cosmetics, facial expressions are some of the most common causes of wrinkles. If you are also feeling embarrassed due the wrinkles, then there is no need to worry as there are several home remedies that help to get rid of wrinkles.home remedies for wrinkles

Home remedies for wrinkles:

  1. Rub the core part of pineapple on the skin. Leave it on the face for around five to ten minutes and the wash it. It effectively helps to get rid of wrinkles.
  2. Massage the face with some amount of coconut oil before going to bed at night.
  3. Make a mixture of olive oil and honey and apply this mixture on the skin.
  4. Apply some lemon juice on the skin at least two to three times a day. This is because lemon not only fades the blemishes but also help you to get rid of wrinkles.
  5. Make a paste of sugarcane and turmeric powder and apply this paste on the skin. It prevents the wrinkles from appearing on the skin.
  6. Leave two metal spoons in the refrigerator or freezer overnight and the next morning place these spoons under each eye. This cures eye wrinkles and also reduces the dark circles. This is one of the proven home remedies that help to get rid of wrinkles.
  7. Massage the skin with castor oil. This is because; castor oil prevents the wrinkles from appearing on the skin.
  8. Eat one tsp of honey and shredded ginger. This will make your skin glow and prevent the wrinkles from appearing on the skin.

So use these home remedies to get rid of wrinkles and say goodbye to the costly creams that make false promises of keeping your skin clean and free from premature appearance of wrinkles

Home Remedies

Home remedies for Stress

What is Stress?

Stress is the reaction of the body towards social, physical, emotional and mental condition inflicted on an individual. It is the term given to the problems which our body faces while fighting the physical as well as psychological threats whether imagined or actual. Though stress is not always inimical, excess stress can affect the regular lifestyle of an individual in a negative manner.

Causes of Stress:

Hormonal factors, overload of work, chronic disease, and feeling of inferiority are some of the factors that cause stress. However, there is no need to worry when you feel like stressed out. This is because there are several home remedies available which can quickly help you to get rid of stress and make you feel cheerful and happy.

Home Remedies for Stress:

  1. Drinking tea made up of sage leaves with honey can immediately provide relief from stress, and you will feel like normal as again.
  2. Sunflower and Alfalfa seeds are also efficient in treating stress.
  3. Water treatments such as taking a bath with hot water can also provide relief from stress and anxiety as it helps the whole body to relax. This is simple yet effective home remedies that help to get rid of stress.
  4. Blackstrap Molasses ( a by-product of sugar) are one of the best home remedies that work towards reducing stress. These are rich in Vitamin B, a vital nutrient required to keep stress at bay.
  5. Including more sprouts which are rich in calcium in your diet can also prove beneficial in reducing stress.
  6. Chewing basil leaves can also prove effective in preventing stress. The same goes with Pantothenic acid.
  7. Take some rose petals, boil them in water and add some sugar for taste. Drink this mixture whenever you feel stressed out.
  8. Drinking milk mixed with cinnamon and honey also reduces stress.

Remember one thing, apart from these home remedies you will also have to make some quality changes to your lifestyle to prevent stress. Avoid soft drinks, coffee, alcohol, and smoking. This is because; they reduce the vital Vitamin B from the body and hence increase stress. So the next time you feel like stressed out, don?t keep pondering, just use any of these home remedies and see how stress will vanish in no time.

Home Remedies

Home Remedies of Acne

What is Acne?

Acne is an inflammatory disease mostly involving the sebaceous glands of the skin and is characterized by papules or pustules or comedones. Acne vulgaris, a form of acne is the most common which affects the majority of people from puberty to young adulthood.

Causes of Acne:

The primary cause for all forms of acne is the wrong consumption habits. Too much sugar, irregular eating, the inclusion of fried and fatty foods all cause acne. Devitalized order of the skin occurring out of unhealthy living habits also causes acne. Apart from these, too much consumption of tobacco, alcohol, tea, and coffee all contribute towards acne. Though acne is a common problem affecting a majority of people especially the young, there are many home remedies available which can help you to get rid of acne. Some are discussed below.pimple cause and remedies

Home remedies for acne:

  1. Orange peel: We all eat oranges but what we don?t know is the numerous therapeutic it possesses. One such is acne treatment. Orange peels are one of the most useful home-based acne treatments. All you have to do is impound the skin of the orange with water on a stone and then apply it on the affected areas.
  2. Garlic: This one is a proven home remedy when it comes to treating acne. Take two pieces of garlic and massage it numerous times every day. Garlic is so effective that apart from treating acne it also clears the pimples, boils and cleans the skin spots.
  3. Fenugreek: A new useful therapy for acne is the use of fenugreek. A paste made by grinding the leaves of fenugreek when applied on the affected areas helps to get rid of acne. The leaves of fenugreek prevent blackheads as well as pimples. It is one of the most liked home remedies for acne.
  4. Lemon: It is a proven and natural medicine available at home for acne. Frequent application of lemon juice helps in reducing acne as well as pimples.
  5. Cucumber: What can be most effective for acne than the cold cucumber? Grated cucumber when applied to the affected areas removes acne and actually soothes skin.

Apart from these home remedies you also need to make changes in your diet and lifestyle. For instance, don?t binge on fast fried foods and wash your face with soap and water regularly to keep away acne. So now say no to the expensive acne removing creams which make false promises. Just follow these home remedies and get rid of acne easily and efficiently.

Home Remedies

Home remedies for Allergies

What is an allergy?

An allergy is an unusual condition wherein our immune system responds exaggeratedly to any texture or material acting like an irritating agent to the body. In common terminology, an allergy is also known as hypersensitivity.

Causes of Allergy

There are numerous causes can that lead to allergies. Certain foods such as eggs or meat, dust, and pollens, feathers, animal dander, clothes, dirt, fabrics, cosmetics such as body lotion, soap, face creams and many other factors are responsible for causing allergy.home remedies for allergy

Home remedies for allergies

There are several home remedies available which can help you get rid of allergies. We will focus on some of them.

  1. Applying avocado paste on rashes is an effective home remedy against allergy
  2. Another effective home remedies that help get rid of allergies is the use of honey. However, while purchasing honey, see to it that you buy pure honey(preferably unprocessed raw honey).
  3. One of the best home remedies for curing allergies is drinking green tea. It contains the natural antihistamine. Drink at least 1-2 cups of green tea every day. Add some honey to it for taste. If you are not that fond of green tea, then you can also drink black tea as it is from the same plant family as the green tea.
  4. Chamomile tea is also popular when it comes to home remedies for curing allergies. Drinking two to three cups a day of chamomile tea can help fight allergies.
  5. Apple acid vinegar is also one of the effective home remedies for allergies. All you have to do is add some vinegar in water and with the help of the gauze piece apply it on your body. You can also add the mixture to your bathtub for better results.
  6. One of the trusted and time-tested home remedy for allergy is ginger. Just peel and crush one piece of fresh ginger and then keep it in a mug and pour hot water over it. Allow it to stay in the water for 5-10 minutes and consume it for a minimum once a day.
  7. The other best home remedies especially for allergies such as rashes is melting potato flour in one glass of water and then adding the mixture in a bucket full of water or a bathtub. You can then bath/ relax in the bathtub for at least thrice a day to get rid of rashes. These were some of the home remedies that help treat allergies. If you follow these home remedies in the right way and the right manner, you can easily get rid of allergies.
Home Remedies

Home remedies for Amnesia

What is Amnesia?

Amnesia is a condition in which there is a partial or complete loss of memory. It is mostly of two types, anterograde and retrograde. In the former the person forgets the recent events whereas in the latter the person doesn’t remember past events. It is common in senior citizens.

Causes of amnesia:

Aging and serious injuries to head are some of the common causes of Amnesia. However, there is no need to panic as there are several home remedies that help to get rid of amnesia.

Home remedies for Amnesia:

  1. Eating walnuts is considered to be the best home remedies for amnesia. Eating around 20 gm of walnuts on a regular basis can enhance the memory of the person. For better results, add some figs or raisins to it.
  2. Another home remedy for amnesia is eating almonds, they are known as memory boosters and hence help to find amnesia. Soak some almonds in water overnight, peel them and then make a paste of the peeled almonds. Eating these almonds with butter can effectively fight amnesia.
  3. Known as the herb of remembrance, rosemary is one of the best herbs that help to treat amnesia. Drink some tea made up of rosemary for about one or two times a day to fight amnesia.
  4. Holy basil leaves are also known for treating amnesia. Drink a concoction made up of basil leaves and water. Eating basil leaves directly is also one of the best ways to fight amnesia.
  5. Drinking honey regularly also helps to fight amnesia. This is one of the proven as well as simple home remedies that help to treat amnesia.
  6. Brahmi, a kind of herb is also one of the best home remedies for amnesia. Steep this herb by boiling it in water and drink the strained water early in the morning and empty stomach. This is one of the proven home remedies that go in treating amnesia. In the same way, Perennail booti, which is known for curing forgetfulness, is also one of the best home remedies to treat amnesia.

Apart from using these home remedies there is also a necessity to make some dietary changes, eating food stuffs such as those rich in phosphorus, dates, figs, almonds and walnuts, oranges, apples help to improve memory and hence treat amnesia.

Ayurved Home Remedies

Home remedies for Anemia

What is anemia?

Anemia is a condition in which there is a deficiency of blood. Anemia is one of the most common disorders of the blood. It occurs when there is a reduction in the quantity of red blood cells in the body.

Causes of anemia:

Low or reduced formation of red blood cells and sometimes heavy loss of blood to any injury are some of the most common causes of anemia. Inadequate intake of iron, proteins and vitamins or any a defect in the bone marrow causes the low formation of red blood cells and hence anemia. Kidney failure and intestinal parasites are also some of the factors that cause anemia. The majority of people suffer from anemia; however there is no need to worry as there are many home remedies that help to cure anemia.

Home remedies for anemia:

  1. Take 1 cup of beetroot juice and apple juice and drink the mixture either with milk or honey daily.
  2. Take a ripe banana, mash it and then take it with one teaspoonful of honey.
  3. Drink a mixture of tomato and apple juice.
  4. Eat at least two citrus foods daily as they are a significant source of vitamin C which helps in the absorption of iron
  5. Eat more and more beetroots> the juice of the beetroot contains vital minerals such as sulfur, iodine, copper, and carbohydrates, Vitamin B1, B6 and B2, which prevent anemia.
  6. Take a cold-water bath daily and two times a day. This is one of the simple home remedies to treat anemia. Sunbaths are also good as the rays of the sun boost the formation of red cells
  7. Eating loads of salads is also one of the best home remedies for anemia
  8. Eat 3-4 pieces of dry figs on a daily basis. This also helps to cure anemia
  9. Avoid excess consumption of tea, Coffee, and ingesting antacids. This is because; these foodstuffs decrease iron absorption. Concentrate more on eating foods such as skinned poultry, green peas, organ meats, shellfish, chick peas, liver, fish, egg yolks, broccoli, black-eyed peas, whole grain bread, spinach, dried peaches, chard, prunes, kale, collards, and dried apricots which are rich sources of iron.

So use these home remedies and get rid of anemia.

Ayurved Home Remedies

Home remedies for Constipation

What is Constipation?

Constipation is a condition wherein there are infrequent movements in the bowel. It is also a condition in which there is an incomplete emptying of bowels. It is basically a disturbance in the normal functioning of the digestive tract.

Causes of Constipation:

There are various reasons associated with constipation like weak abdominal muscles, irregular habits of eating, low intake of fluids, incomplete chewing of food, holding back stools at times of pressure, diseases such as diabetes, sluggish live, colitis are some of the factors that lead to constipation. If you are also suffering from constipation then don?t panic as there are various home remedies available which you help to get rid of constipation.

Home remedies for constipation:

  1. Drinking pots of water is one of the best things you can do to keep constipation at bay. Water helps to cleanse the system and also normalize the bowel movements. Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water on a daily basis. This helps in dissolving the food nutrients as well as ensures proper digestion of food.
  2. Drink at least half a cup of cabbage juice at least two times a day to get rid of constipation.
  3. Eating dates with milk are also beneficial in curing constipation. This is one of the best home remedies that go in treating constipation. Take high amounts of figs with water if the constipation is chronic in nature.
  4. A mixture of half a cup of orange juice and half a cup of olive oil plays a significant role in eradicating constipation.
  5. Before going to bed drink a full glass of warm water with fennel seeds added in it. Fennel has the tendency to boost the process of digestion and is also effective in treating digestive problems.
  6. A mixture of carrot juice and spinach juice is also one of the best home remedies which help cure constipation.
  7. Take 1-2 tsp of almond oil with milk. Do this for at least three to four days and see how it will actually reduce the effects of constipation.
  8. Drink at least two glasses of orange juice. However, while drinking this juice see to it that you take it empty stomach. Hence, morning time is the preferred time to drink orange juice. Do this for 8-10 days and see the difference it will make.
  9. 2-4 tsp of castor oil is also one of the proven home remedies that help cure constipation.