Ayurved Doctor

Home Remedies

Home remedies for wrinkles

What are wrinkles?

Wrinkles occur due to the loosening of the skin. As we grow older, our skin loses its moisture and elasticity, which in turn leads to wrinkles all around the face. Wrinkles also appear at an early age due to overexposure to the sun.

Causes of Wrinkles:

Age, using harmful chemicals in the form of cosmetics, facial expressions are some of the most common causes of wrinkles. If you are also feeling embarrassed due the wrinkles, then there is no need to worry as there are several home remedies that help to get rid of wrinkles.home remedies for wrinkles

Home remedies for wrinkles:

  1. Rub the core part of pineapple on the skin. Leave it on the face for around five to ten minutes and the wash it. It effectively helps to get rid of wrinkles.
  2. Massage the face with some amount of coconut oil before going to bed at night.
  3. Make a mixture of olive oil and honey and apply this mixture on the skin.
  4. Apply some lemon juice on the skin at least two to three times a day. This is because lemon not only fades the blemishes but also help you to get rid of wrinkles.
  5. Make a paste of sugarcane and turmeric powder and apply this paste on the skin. It prevents the wrinkles from appearing on the skin.
  6. Leave two metal spoons in the refrigerator or freezer overnight and the next morning place these spoons under each eye. This cures eye wrinkles and also reduces the dark circles. This is one of the proven home remedies that help to get rid of wrinkles.
  7. Massage the skin with castor oil. This is because; castor oil prevents the wrinkles from appearing on the skin.
  8. Eat one tsp of honey and shredded ginger. This will make your skin glow and prevent the wrinkles from appearing on the skin.

So use these home remedies to get rid of wrinkles and say goodbye to the costly creams that make false promises of keeping your skin clean and free from premature appearance of wrinkles

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