Ayurved Doctor



Padmasana is a kind of Yogic Asana. It is known as lotus position in English is a sitting posture where you need to sit cross-legged for the purpose of meditation. This position ensures an upward divine flow of energy. Let us look on how you can practice this Yogic Asana.

Procedure for Padmasana

Sit on the floor and stretch your legs in the front. Now, bend your right knee and with the help of both of your hands grip your right foot and then place the right foot on your left thigh as close as possible to your navel position.
Once done, do the same thing with your left leg. Bend your left knee and with the help of both of your hands grip your left foot and place it on the top of the right thigh,  and as much as possible, place this leg close to the navel.

Once you finish these steps, your knees should be touching the ground and soles of both of your feet should be pointing upwards. You should keep your spine straight but don’t stiffen it.

You can alter the position of the legs if you feel uncomfortable by sitting in the same position for a long time.

You place both of your hands on your knees either your palms facing down. It is known as ‘Gyana Mudra’. You can also place your hands with both palms on each other and touch the navel area and on the upward facing of both of your feet.

Duration for performing the Padmasana

The duration for practicing Padmasana depends on you on how long you are capable of performing this asana. However, this Asana should not be practiced beyond the limitations of the body. As you increase the days of practicing there will be an automatic increase in the stretching of knees and duration of sitting in the comfortable position.

Benefits of practicing Padmasana (lotus position)

The Padmasana or the lotus position helps to maintain concentration, relaxation and meditation. Padmasana helps to strike a natural balance between the body and mind. As you go on practicing Padmasana, there is an automatic and effortless stretching of knees, which helps to soothe the nervous system, promotes quiet spirit and maintain a state of sharpness.

Baddha Padmasana, a form of Padmasana which involves slight changes in the placement of hands helps to improve the flexibility in chest, shoulder, thigh, waist, shoulder and spine. It corrects the problem of curvature in arthritis and spine and is very efficient in treating digestive problems and constipation.


Yogasanas to cure Constipation

Constipation is a very common problem in human life which affects people at some point of their life. If left untreated it can lead to serious digestive problems. The biggest problem of constipation is the stools become so hard that it becomes difficult for the person to excrete with ease. However, Yoga asanas can help overcome this problem.

Following are some of the Asanas which when practiced on a regular basis can help fight constipation.

Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation): The Surya Namaskara or the sun salutation is nothing but a prayer in motion. This Yogic Asana is made up of twelve postures in all which need to be performed on a continuous basis and that too with synchronized breathing. There are numerous benefits of performing the Surya Namaskara. It activates all the endocrinal glands which in turn ensure the normal secretion of hormones by the pancreas, thyroid, adrenal, pituitary, thyroid and other glands. Surya Namaskara heals the disorders related to liver, pancreas, indigestion, intestinal problems, and acidity thereby curing constipation.

Hala Asana: The meaning of the word Hala Asana means a plough. In this asana you stretch your body in such a way that it resembles a plough. This Asana helps to build muscles, regulates the flow of blood in the body and also regulates constipation occurring as a result of weak abdominal muscles.


Dhanurasana (the bow pose): This Asana involves holding the toes with hands and curving the body in such a way that it resembles a bow. This yogic Asana strengthens the spine and makes it flexible and is efficient in treating ‘pitta’ disorders such as constipation. This Asana, when practiced on a regular basis, can also improve digestion and provide massage to the entire back.



Pavanamukta Asana: In the Sanskrit language, the word ‘pavana’ means the wind or air and the word ‘muktameans release or freedom and hence this Asana is known as the ‘wind relieving posture. This Asana is so named because it helps to release all the trapped gas in the stomach and intestines. It stimulates the abdominal region thereby treating constipation and other gastrointestinal problems such a stomach upset.



Ardha Matsyendrasana: This Yogic asana massages the vital organs such as stomach, kidneys, pancreas, liver, gallbladder and small intestines. When practiced regularly, this Asana can help to treat various problems such as constipation, diabetes, hay fever, sinusitis, menstrual disorders, bronchitis and urinary tract disorders.



These were some of the Yogic Asanas, which help you to get rid of constipation. However, with these asanas, you also need to make some healthy changes to your diet. Concentrate more on eating foods such as fresh fruits and leafy vegetables which have rich fiber content. Also, don’t forget to drink eight glasses of water per day.


Yogasanas for Diabetes

Though Yoga cannot completely help to treat diabetes, it can be used as a complement to the changes in the lifestyle that are mandatory to keep diabetes under check. Yoga also helps the person to remain in good health and promote overall well-being. To avoid genetic diabetes, it is advisable to practice yoga from childhood.

By massaging the internal organs, especially the glandular systems the cause of diabetes, yogic asanas can support the treatment of diabetes.

Here are some of the Asanas which help to keep diabetes under check.

Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation): Surya Namaskara is one of the best Yogic asanas a diabetic patient should practice on a regular basis. It’s because; Surya Namaskara increases the blood supply to almost all the parts of the body thereby enhancing the administration of insulin in the body.




Sarvangasana: Known as shoulder stand in English, this asana is especially for the parathyroid and thyroid glands which are located in the neck. Sarvangasana involves chin-lock which in turn enthuse fresh blood to the glands. This supply of blood increases the functioning the glands which in turn control the metabolic activity thereby keeping a check on diabetes.
Paschimotasana: Known as forward seated bend, this Yogic Asana is useful for people suffering from diabetes as it helps in the stimulation of internal organs such as the pancreas, liver, and kidneys thereby keeping a check on diabetes.
Halasana: This asana is known as the plough pose in English. This is because; a person’s body resembles a plough while performing this asana. Regular practicing of Halasana, massages all the vital internal organs of the body and also ensures proper functioning of pancreas and spleen and also leads the pancreas to produce more insulin in the case of type 1 diabetes. Practice this asana after practicing Sarvangasana for better results.



Ardha Matsyendrasana: This Asana involves the half spinal twist. It helps to rejuvenate and cleanse the body. It provides a deep massage to internal organs and throws out toxic substances from these organs. This asana, when practiced on a regular basis, can help to regulate the secretion of bile and adrenaline thereby helping in the management of diabetes at normal levels.


These were some of the Yogic asanas which you can practice to keep a check on diabetes. However, some of these poses are unsuitable for pregnant women and hence should be avoided. People with ear problems, blood clots, and cardiovascular problems should also avoid practicing some of the yogic poses.


Yoga Asanas and Their benefits

Asanas form the core part of Yoga; they help to attain unity of mind and body which is the primary objective of practicing Yoga.  Asanas in Yoga are the third of the eight limbs in the purview of Yoga. Asana, in a literal sense, refers to abiding or staying. They are nothing but a certain type of position of the body which is achieved just by following some specific steps. In the western world, these Asanas are known as poses or postures and are used to maintain overall health and promote the well-being of the person.

When you perform an Asana, you do nothing but strike a balance between your movement and stillness. Every posture of Yoga epitomizes a kind of mental attitude. This altitude can vary from being surrendering to the Almighty or empowering the creation of a sort of physical prayer or in simple words the will of the body. By performing the various Yogic Asanas, you can not only invigorate your body but can also revitalize your mind as well as the soul. Let us take a look at what are the types of Yogic Asanas, which help us to achieve this condition.

Types of Yogic Asanas :

Sitting and Supine Asanas

These types of Asanas involve sitting in supine or upright extending positions. These types of Asanas help to prepare a person physically as well as mentally.One of this kind of Yogic Asana is known as Pranayama.

Standing Asanas

These types of Asanas bring flexibility in muscles and joints and give the particular person the required stamina and stability. These types of Asanas make up for the majority of the basic training of practice in Yoga and are hence the best for beginners to start with.

Balancing Asanas

These types of Asanas help to strengthen the wrists and arms of a person. They make a person’s body feel light by exercising the abdominal organs.

Forward bending Asanas

These types of Asanas help a person to stretch the posterior half of the body thereby preparing the person to go ahead and develop a kind of consistency requires attaining physical as well as mental pliability.

Back Bending Asanas

These Asanas are the exact opposite than the Forward bending Asanas. These types of Asanas help to stretch the anterior spine of the body unlike the posterior bends practiced in forward bending asanas. These asanas bring about a physical and mental sharpness in a person.

Twisting Asanas

These types of Asanas tranquilize the mind and tone the internal organs of a person. These include a process of lateral twisting and stretching of the spine.

Inverted Asanas

Inverted Asanas provide strength and promote mental balance as well as emotional stability to the person. These Asanas, when practiced regularly, can act as stress busters and can also provide relief from pressure.

Abdominal and Lumbar Asanas

These types of Asanas provide strength to the lumbar and pelvic areas of the body. They also massage and tone the abdominal organs.

Benefits of Yogic Asanas

  1. Practicing Asanas on a regular basis helps to improve strength, health flexibility and balance.
  2. The primary objective of Asanas is to maintain and restore a person’s overall well-being in terms of both physical as well as spiritual.
  3. The different poses involved in the Yogic Asanas help the person practicing these Asanas to control as well as explore all the prospects of body and mind such as concentration, emotions, faith, intent and also the uniformity between physical and supernal body.
  4. Yogic Asanas help a person to strike a balance between the material and spiritual world.
  5. The different Yogic Asanas also cater a person practicing them a path of strengthening the will and exploring the mental attitudes.
  6. Yogic Asanas also help a person to calm the mind and discover the inner essence of the body.
  7. The Yogic asanas control the levels of blood pressure in the body and also ensure proper functioning of the respiratory system. They also address the issues related to the circulatory system of the body.
  8. Strengthening all the parts of the body and providing muscle flexibility form the core part of the physical benefits obtained through the practice of Yogic asanas.
  9. If you are trying to lose weight, then you should practice some of the Yogic asanas as they are the best way to shed those extra pounds in the healthiest manner.
  10. Yogic Asanas when practiced on regular basis help to bring down the levels of stress in a person and also cure all the problems and disorders that occur as a result of stress.
  11. Yogic Asanas not only help a person to increase his/her stamina but also increase the levels of concentration in the human being.

Pranayama, Bhungasana, Vrukshasana, Padmasana and many other Yogic Asanas have proved beneficial in attaining the unity between the body and mind thereby keeping various disorders away from the person.


Dhanurasana-Bow Pose

Dharunasa is a Yogic Asana, which is known as bow pose in English. It is also called Chakrasana. In this Asana, you need to lie on your belly and grasp the feet and then lift your legs forming the shape of that of a bow which gives it the name bow pose.

Procedure for Dhanurasana

  • Place a mat on the floor and then lie down on this mat on your stomach
  • Once you lie down, bend your knees and bring your feet up slowly
  • Now, with your hands, hold your ankles
  • Inhale, make use of the hands to pull the feet in such a way that your thighs are raised up from the floor in the air. As you do this, lift your head, shoulders and then chest simultaneously from the floor and look in the upward direction. As you do this, you will be extending your spine in the backward direction. This backward extension should be brought about through the back muscles and not by leveraging the arms.
  • Hold on to this pose for about five to eight seconds initially. You can increase this duration once you start practicing Dhanurasana daily.
  • Your body will now take the shape of a bow and your stomach, and pelvic area will be the only body parts lying on the floor. The navel area will be bearing the entire weight of your body.

Duration for performing Dhanurasana

The duration for practicing Dhanurasana depends on you on how long you are capable of performing this asana. However, this Asana should not be practiced beyond the limitations of the body. As you increase the days of practicing there will be an automatic increase holding of the feet which will help you to remain in this posture for a long time.

Benefits of practicing Dhanurasana

Regular practicing of Dhanurasana helps to strengthen the abdominal muscles. Dhanurasana helps to expand the muscles of the chest thereby proving beneficial for people suffering from respiratory problems such as asthma. It invigorates and massages the internal organs especially the organs performing the process of digestion. It massages the muscles of the back and improves the elasticity of spine. It strengthens the kidneys and is beneficial for people suffering from constipation and diabetes.

Thus, we can see that the Dhanurasana or Bow pose has loads of benefits for the practitioner. However, this Asana is not suitable for people having problems with the back and suffering from cervical spondylitis and hernia.

Home Remedies

Home remedies for Cracked Heels

What are Cracked Heels?

Cracked heels are a result of your apathy towards taking proper care of your feet. In medical terms, cracked heels are also known as heel fissures. These are linear cut wounds which mostly affect the epidermal layer of the feet.

Causes of cracked heels:

Prolong standing, being overweight, thick dry skin (callus) or thick dry skin, wearing back-open shoes or sandals, deficiency of minerals, vitamins and zinc, Eczema, Diabetes, unhygienic, dry scaly skin are some of the causes that lead to cracked heels. If you also have cracked heels, then there is no need to worry as there are many home remedies that help in treating cracked heels.

Home remedies for cracked heels:

  1. For about ten minutes, soak your feet in lemon juice. Do this every week, for better results.
  2. Similarly, you can also soak your feet in lukewarm water. It loosens the tight dead skin from the heels.
  3. Rub onion oil on the itches and skin rashes to get rid of cracked heels.
  4. Avoid wearing wet socks or shoes.
  5. Foot spray and powder when sprayed and applied in the shoes also prevent cracked heels.
  6. Walk barefoot on the grass surface. Do this early morning as it helps to rejuvenate the feet as well as improves the eyesight.
  7. Put pressure on the points and massage the feet to avoid cracked heels.
  8. Rub pumice stone to get rid of cracked heels.
  9. Drink pots of water. It helps to keep the skin hydrated and makes it supple and soft which in turn avoids cracked heels.
  10. Wash your feet properly and thoroughly whenever you come home from outside. Before going to bed, wash your feet. It will prevent cracked heels.
  11. Scrub the dead skin out of the foot with the help of a foot scrubber.
  12. Massage your feet with foot cream or apply petroleum jelly.
  13. Cut the nails of the feet regularly and keep them in good shape.
  14. Avoid wearing shoes which are not comfortable for you. Don’t wear shoes that are too tight. Avoid wearing high heels especially if your feet are paining.

These were some of the home remedies which you can use to get rid of cracked heels. Apart from these you also need to take proper care of the feet to prevent cracked heels.

Home Remedies

Home remedies for Dandruff

What is Dandruff?

Dandruff is a chronic condition of the scalp affecting the majority of people both men as well as women. It is marked by flaking and itching of the skin on the scalp. Though it is not considered to be a contagious or a dangerous skin disorder, it can become a cause of embarrassment and may also be sometimes not easy to treat.

Causes of Dandruff

There are many factors which cause dandruff. Dry skin, sensitivity to hair products, psoriasis, irritating, oily skin, eczema and yeast like fungus are some of the most common factors that cause dandruff. Though dandruff is a common sight, there is no need to fear about this fungal disorder as many medies available which can help you get rid of dandruff.

Home Remedies of Dandruff:

  1. For the benefit of the scalp and hair, take a hot steam bath. Massage your hair with hot oil and then for a few minutes wrap a warm damp towel around your head. Apply hot oil one or two times a week and continue doing so for three months to get better results.
  2. Take coconut oil and immerse some peels of lemon in it for 8-10 days. Once done, sieve it and then apply it on your hair. It will help you get rid of dandruff
  3. Expose your head to the sun rays if you don’t have enough time to spend on these home remedies
  4. Wash your hair with green gram powder mixed with curd for two weeks.
  5. Cider vinegar when added to the water while bathing prevents dandruff to a large extent.
  6. Apply a mixture of beetroot juice and vinegar on the scalp. You can also use a mix of beetroot juice and ginger juice if you don’t like or are allergic to vinegar
  7. If you feel burning sensation on the scalp then apply a mixture of almond oil and olive oil and allow it to settle there for 5 minutes
  8. Rubbing snakegourd juice will also help you in getting rid of dandruff.
  9. Avoid foods such as meat, sugar, hard coffee or tea, soft drinks, processed fruits, and pickles. Concentrate more on eating raw foods such as vegetables, raw nuts, fresh fruits, whole grain cereals and sprouted seeds.
Home Remedies

Home remedies for Depression

What is Depression?

Depression is an illness, which involves the mind, body and thoughts. Don?t confuse it with physical weakness which will go away within days. In fact, it’s a condition, which interferes with our daily routine and causes unnecessary problems in our everyday lives.

Causes of Depression

There are plenty of factors, which cause depression in humans; these mainly include genetic causes, hormonal changes, deficiency of vitamin B complex, stress and trauma, biochemical causes, environmental factors and other physiological disorders such as eating disorders and anxiety disorders.

Home Remedies for Depression

Several home remedies help cure depression. Some of them are as follow:

  1. Rose petals when boiled in water and consumed provide relief from depression.
  2. Eat an apple with honey and milk. It will enlighten your mood and bring you out of depression.
  3. Drinking licorice tea can also treat depression. However, don’t drink it more than three cups.
  4. The powder of Asparagus root is also an effective home remedy that helps cure depression.
  5. A regular immersion bath, when taken for the duration of one hour daily, can also prove beneficial in bringing you out from depression.
  6. Seedpod of the plant Griffonia Simplicifolia known as 5-HTP when consumed while feeling depressed works wonders. Because it produces serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain, which provides relief from depression.
  7. A tea made up of the mixture of basil leaves and sage when consumed also provides relief from depression.
  8. Eating powder of cardamom seeds can also effectively bring you out of depression. Boil the powder in hot water, add some sugar for taste, and then drink the tea two times a day.
  9. Meditation and relaxation are also an efficient cure for depression. Meditation creates a balance in the nervous system, which is vital to curing stress and depression.
  10. A mixture of nutmeg powder and fresh amla juice, when taken three times a day, can quickly bring you out of depression.

Apart from these home remedies, you will also have to make changes to your diet. The diet has a major effect on curing of depression. Hence, resort to a balanced diet as even a slight nutritional deficiency can deteriorate the situation

Home Remedies

Home remedies for Diabetes

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes, also known as diabetes mellitus is a nutritional disorder in which there is a high level of glucose in the blood. It occurs due to the deficiency of insulin which in turn causes abnormalities in metabolism of proteins and fats and carbohydrate metabolism.

Causes of Diabetes:

Stress and anxiety, less physical activity, obesity, nutritional deficiency, a diet rich in carbohydrates, genetic factors are some of the causes of diabetes.Diabetes patients no need to panic as there are several home remedies to cure diabetes.

Home Remedies for Diabetes:

  1. Boil three to four mango leaves and drink. Mango leaves help to fight diabetes.
  2. Make a mixture of dry gooseberry and turmeric powder. Add some honey to it and drink the mixture early in the morning. While drinking the mixture see to it, you take it empty stomach for better results.
  3. Drink the juice of grapes on a regular basis.
  4. Celery, string beans, garlic, cucumbers effectively help to cure diabetes.
  5. Saturate a small bitter gourd in a cup of water and drink it every morning. See to it you remove the seeds of the bitter gourd.
  6. Eat some soaked almond empty stomach early in the morning.
  7. Eat some leaves of neem. It helps to reduce the sugar level in blood and cures diabetes.
  8. Seeds of fenugreek are also beneficial in treating diabetes. Soak some about hundred seeds of fenugreek in water and keep it overnight. Mash the seeds the next morning and strain and consume the water on a regular basis. This is one of the best home remedies for diabetes.
  9. Eating Soya bean which is rich in calcium, proteins and Vitamin A which effectively help to get rid of diabetes.
  10. Supplement grams with cereals.

Apart from these home remedies you also need to make some changes to your lifestyle. Avoid the intake of sugar, go for a walk for at least an hour and exercise moderately. Doing this will effectively cure diabetes.

Home Remedies

Home remedies for Diarrhea

What is Diarrhea?

Diarrhea is a condition in which there is a frequent passage of watery unformed stools. Commonly known as loose motions, it can lead to dehydration and in the extreme cases can also result in death.

Causes of Diarrhea:

Incomplete digestion of food, bacterial and viral infections, food allergies, overeating, bowel disorders and putrefaction in the intestinal tract are some of the factors that lead to diarrhea. If you are also gasped with diarrhea, then there is no need to worry as there are many home remedies that help to get rid of mouth ulcers.

Home remedies for Diarrhea:

  1. Eat some banana with curd; it will help you to get rid of loose motions.
  2. Curd when taken with mango juice with some ginger added to it also effectively helps to get rid of diarrhea.
  3. Add some mango nut powder to water and drink; this will effectively cure diarrhea.
  4. Add one teaspoonful of ginger to water. Boil the water mix for few minutes and drink the mixture when it is warm. Repeat this every hour for few times.
  5. Drink a mixture of honey and water.
  6. Apply some ginger juice on the umbilicus.
  7. Chew some cumin seeds mixed in curd. Do this after meals. It enhances the process of digestion thereby preventing diarrhea.
  8. Drink plenty of fluid such as fruit juices and water.
  9. Whenever you suffer from diarrhea, increase the intake of carbohydrates and proteins.
  10. Roast cumin seeds and fennel in equal quantities and have it with water.
  11. A mixture of Spiegel seeds when taken with curd effectively cures diarrhea.
  12. Make a powder of Indian gooseberry and add some black chebulic myrobalan. Take this mixture at two times a day.

The next time you suffer from diarrhea, use these home remedies and get rid of diarrhea easily. Apart from these keep in mind that you don’t overeat and increase the intake of fluids and proteins in your diet, all this will help you to get rid of diarrhea in an efficient manner.