Ayurved Doctor

Herbs Home Remedies

Ayurvedic Benefits of Rose Water

Since ages, elegant rose flowers has been a symbol of love, friendship and is one of the most popular flowers in the world. On one hand, people have always enjoyed its freshness and sweet aroma while on the other, ancient monks have always been plucking, grinding, juicing, drying and preserving the rose petals. It is because of its properties such as being a medicinal flower, it is anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-hemorrhagic in nature.

Roses have been largely used in Ayurvedic treatments. The cooling effect provided by this delicate flower results in the balancing of Sadhaka Pitta, that is, an emotion that governs feelings and its effect on the heart. This is probably the reason why rose has been closely associated with romance. It ideally balances the body and mind of an individual. Roses are also widely used in aromatherapy where spices are mixed with rose oil, water and rose paste to make a tonic that helps cure digestive imbalance and hormones. The outcomes of the therapy involve cooling effect along with moisturized and toned skin.

rose water

One of the multiple wonder products that rose provide us, is the rosewater. This little bottle of health and treatment can work wonders to help beat stress and depression as well as tackle various ailments. Rosewater is good for various parts of the body and perform specific functions in each of them. It is a fact that it improves the texture, complexion and glow of the skin. In a long run, rosewater can keep the skin under check and pacify recurrent eruptions. When consumed regularly with milk, it is known to drive the digestive flow inside the body perfectly and pacifies your Sadhaka Pitta all year long.

How to Prepare Rose Water?

Rosewater can either be prepared at home by a simple method or can be purchased by any of your nearby supermarket. It is a common household item and is always ready to use in a single go. An easy step by step method to prepare rose water is mentioned here which can help you prepare fresh rose water anywhere, anytime.

  1. Early morning, precisely after sunrise, pick some fresh roses or rose petals.
  2. Thoroughly wash the petals with clean water.
  3. Take a large pot and place the petal inside it along with distilled water.
  4. Pour water in the pot such that the petals are all soaked in it.
  5. Cover the pot with a lid and keep the flame low to boil the mixture.
  6. Let the water convert into steam until its color is that of the rose petals.
  7. Strain the water from the mixture and let it cool down.
  8. Store the rosewater in a container

Benefits of Rose Water

Rosewater is in fact a common household item that has many health benefits. Here is a list of how can rosewater help you to practice radiant and ailment-free lifestyle.


Rosewater provides a list of beauty regime for men and women. It provides stunning results for every skin type and helps eradicate bacterial infection. It is an amazing skin toner that gives a soothing effect on the skin and improve its appearance by making it radiant, smooth and free from acne. It helps regulate the pH balance of the skin and stimulate circulation in the body. It is proven to work adequately on wounds and can reduce the impact of sunburns.

Apply two or three rosewater drops on a cotton swab to remove dirt or make-up from the face and neck. You can use it every morning for a long-lasting radiant effect. You can also put a few drops of rose water in your bath tub or bathing water for a soothing and relaxing outcome. In order to cogently remove sun tan, add two drops of rose water and two drops of tomato juice in a cotton ball and apply it. You can wash it off after 15 minutes for best results.


Rosewater is best known for removing dark circles while refreshing tired and stressed eyes. One should prefer smearing the eyes with rose water before sleeping for a long lasting effect. You can mix a tiny bit of sandalwood to it and apply it over the eyelids. Wash it off after 15 minutes in order to get fresh and sparkling eyes.


Rosewater is known for promoting hair growth and improves the blood circulation. We can use it in order to get rid of dandruff and inflammation on the scalp. You can also use it as a conditioner for dry and mismanaged tresses. Rosewater soothes the hair naturally, provides them a fresh scent and makes them strong and flexible.


It can be surprising to many that rose water is widely used for treating dental problems. Inflammation in the gum can be eliminated with the help of this rose bi-product. You can get rid of bad odor and foul breath by rinsing every now and then with rose water to quickly get rid of it. Regular rinse with rosewater strengthens teeth and eradicates gum pain.

Herbal Plants Herbs

Herbal Medicinal Plant – Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

Zingiber officinale is commonly known as Ginger. It is an underground stem herb that is most commonly used a spice and also for medicinal purposes.

Plant Family – Zingiberaceae

Botanical Name – Zingiber officinale

Sanskrit – ardraka syn. = vishva, nagar, vishvabheshaj, katubhadra, vishvoushadha, sauparna, shringvera, katugranthi, mahaushadha, katushan

English – Ginger

Hindi – Adrak

Malayalam/ Tamil – Engi

About the Plant

Ginger or ginger root is a perennial herb that is common in Asia. Ginger grows 1 meter tall with underground rhizomes. It has light green, thin and strap like leaves, flowers are green and unimportant. Ginger grows well in monsoon forest regions where the soil is well drained. It requires a frost free climate and 1500 mm of rainfall in a year or proper water supply.

Ginger is harvested 8 months after planting. You can make out that it is time by seeing the leaves that turn yellow and dried. Digging carefully at the side, you can pick up Ginger from the ground.

Medicinal Properties

Ginger can be used in different forms like fresh, dried and powdered, juice or oil. It is commonly used in cases of stomach problems or acidity or indigestion, colic, nausea and vomiting after surgery, loss of appetite, morning sickness, etc.

Upper respiratory tract infections, cough and bronchitis can be cured by Ginger. Fresh ginger is used to treat acute bacterial dysentery, malaria, baldness, poisonous snake bites, migraine headache, toothaches, and rheumatism.

Dried ginger is used for chest pain, low back pain and stomach pain. For burns on the skin, some people use juice extracted from ginger for healing. Oil prepared from ginger are also applied on the skin to relieve pain.

Ginger is also used as a flavoring agent. It has a strong smell and hence the fragrance is used in soaps and cosmetics. One of the ingredients in ginger is used for making laxative, anti gas and antacid medicines.

Uses of Ginger

  • It is a commonly used spice in cuisines throughout the world.
  • Ginger reduces nausea by increasing digestive fluids, absorbing and neutralizing toxins and stomach acids.
  • It reduces the stickiness of blood platelets and hence reducing the chances of atherosclerosis.
  • It is very effective against nausea and vomiting related to surgery, morning sickness, vertigo, and travel sickness.
  • It is widely used as a flavoring agent for cakes, chutneys, curries, candies and beverages.
  • Ginger has antihistamine properties which are very helpful in treating allergies. Ginger is the best home remedy for persistent cough and sore throat due to cold. For sore throat, take 1 teaspoon ginger juice with honey. To get rid of congestion in throat and nose, prepare ginger tea. For people suffering from asthma, take fresh ginger juice mixed with fenugreek and honey.
  • In case of indigestion, either chew a piece of ginger or drink ginger juice for immediate relief. Ginger also helps to settle down gas formation and bloated feeling in the stomach.
  • Ginger if taken at the beginning of the menstrual cycle can reduce pain.
  • Diluted paste of ginger applied on the forehead can give relief from migraine headache.
  • The analgesic and anti inflammatory property of ginger helps in reducing joint pain of arthritis. Ginger oil included in daily bath is very effective.
  • Ginger has high levels of antioxidants and has the ability to induce cell death and suppress certain protein. It is also said to be very effective against cancer.
  • It helps to maintain normal blood circulation.
  • Everyday consumption of ginger helps to strengthen immunity.
  • It helps in cleaning colon.
  • It has antimicrobial properties, helping to heal sores and wounds.
  • It protects our liver and stomach.
  • The anti inflammatory property of ginger helps in relief from swelling and pain.


  • Pregnant women should be careful before taking ginger.
  • Topical use of ginger can cause allergies.
  • Ginger should not be taken with other medications.
  • It is advised to not take ginger more than four grams per day.
  • Ginger should not be given to children who are under age 2.
  • If an individual has bleeding disorder, ginger should be avoided.
Herbal Plants Herbs

Herbal Medicinal Plant –Shatavari (Asparagus Racemosus)

Asparagus Racemosus is a common species of asparagus that grows in regions like the Himalayas, Nepal, India and Srilanka. There are multiple uses of this plant. Due to surrounding getting destructed and deforestation, this plant is endangered in its natural environment.

Asparagus Racemosus is a good source of calcium, minerals, zinc and B- complex vitamins. The estrogens in the plant do not produce negative side effects and this gentle herb helps to maintain a balanced life. Due to its immense medicinal properties, it is also known as the “Queen of Herbs”.

Plant Family – Asparagaceae

Botanical Name – Asparagus Racemosus

Sanskrit – Shatavari

English – Indian Asparagus, Hundred Roots, Asparagus Roots

Hindi – Shatavari

Nepal – Kurilo

About the Plant

Asparagus Racemosus is a spine stemmed, woody climber that reaches to a height of 1-2 meters. It bears small, white flowers and also gives red berries as fruit. This plant grows well in gravely, rocky soils that are high up in piedmont plains. Asparagus Racemosus is widely used in Ayurvedic tonics for sexual debility, infertility, menopausal symptoms in women, galactogogue, and uterine bleeding problems.shatavari plant

Medicinal Properties

Asparagus Racemosus is widely used in Ayurveda for various medicinal purposes. It is used in the treatment of stomach upset, constipation, ulcers in the stomach, fluid retention, anxiety, cancer, pain, diarrhea, dementia, diabetes, tuberculosis, bronchitis and stomach spasms.

Asparagus Racemosus is known to nourish and cleanse the blood as well as the female reproductive organs. It is also used to cure problems in men related to sexual debility, impotence, inflammation of sexual organs and spermatorrhea.

Uses of Asparagus Racemosus

  • It supports good reproductive health in women.
  • It helps to maintain a healthy hormone balance.
  • It is very helpful in PMS symptoms as it helps relieve pain and control blood loss during periods.
  • It is very useful in the production of breast milk in nursing mothers.
  • It helps in the normal functioning of immune and digestive systems.
  • It helps in increasing libido.
  • It is used as anodyne, and aphrodisiac.
  • Roots of Asparagus Racemosus can be used for the treatment of nervous disorders, dyspepsia, tumors, infections in throat, cough, scalding of urine, bronchitis, and TB.
  • This plant is also widely used to cure pain, restless sleep, nervousness, people with weak emotional and physical heart, anorexia, sleeplessness, people who are underweight, and hyperactive kids.
  • It is considered as an important rejuvenating tonic for female to have good health and vitality.
  • Women who have more possibility of abortion can have this herb to help in safe pregnancy.
  • Prolonged use of this herb can improve eyesight.
  • Fresh juice of the roots of Asparagus Racemosus can be taken to reduce the pain or burning sensation of tumors that is caused due to Pitta.
  • It is very helpful in cases of urinary stones and dysurea.
  • It helps in balancing pH levels in the vagina.
  • It nourishes ovum increasing the fertility rate in women.
  • Asparagus Racemosus can help to fight against diseases like cholera, E. Coli, dysentery, typhoid, and Staphyoloccus aerus.
  • This herb is very useful to relieve stress as it creates an immune response in the body that protects the body from harmful effects of stress.
  • It helps in treating liver cancer.
  • The powdered dried roots of the plant are used in the treatment of ulcers and gastroparesis.
  • It helps in nourishing body and mind, builds immunity and promotes long life. This plant can slow down the ageing process of cells, tissues and organs


  • Asparagus Racemosus can cause skin and pulmonary allergic reactions in some people.
  • People with edema due to kidney disorder or improper heart functioning should avoid the intake of Asparagus Racemosus.
  • There is also a possibility of weight gain due to the intake of this plant.


Herbal Plants Herbs

Herbal Medicinal Plant Bael– (Aegle Marmalos)

Herbal Medicinal Plant – Aegle Marmalos

Aegle Marmalos is generally known as Bael, Bengal quince, wood apple, golden apple, stone apple, bili. This is a tree species native to India and present throughout Southeast Asia. Hindus consider this tree as sacred and its fruits are used for medicine and as food.

Plant Family – Rutaceae

Botanical Name – Aegle Marmalos

Sanskrit – Bilv

English – Bael

Hindi – Bel or Sirphal

Malayalam/Tamil – Koo-valam/Vilvam

Kannada – Bilvabael tree

About the Plant

The Bael tree is considered sacred by Hindus and so you can find these trees grown in and around temples. The leaves of this tree are offered to Lord Shiva. This tree usually grows on hills and plains of dry forests. Bael is a medium sized tree growing 50-60 feet in height. This tree is a slender, aromatic and a gum bearing tree with branches having spines and leaves are trifoliate.

Medicinal Properties

The Bael’s fruits and leaves contain an evaporating oil, which is considered very good for human body. The leaves tend to absorb harmful or foul gases from the atmosphere and keep it clean and healthy. The raw Bael fruit produces heat and has purgative effect. It is consumed for the treatment of arthritis and gout. On the other hand, ripe fruit has cooling effect and can cause constipation. It is usually consumed in summer to cool body.

Uses of Bael

  • Bael fruit helps to cure diabetes.
  • Take 5 gm of bael leaves and grind them well. Add 1 teaspoon honey and take it every morning and evening for relief from asthma.
  • Extract the pulp of Bael fruit and dry it. Grind it well to form a fine powder. Take 1 teaspoon of this powder and add it to 1 glass boiled cow’s milk. Add some sugar candy and mix it well. Drink this milk twice a day in the morning and evening for some duration to cure anemia.
  • Extract the pulp of raw bael fruit and dry it. Grind it well to form a fine powder. Take 10 gm of this powder, 50 gm of pure ghee and 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder. Mix it well in 1 glass warm water and take it twice a day to cure fractures.
  • Take equal quantity of fruit pulp, leaves, rind, and root. Grind them well and extract its juice. Add 10 gm honey to it and drink it for healing wounds.
  • Take some fruit pulp mixed with hot mustard oil. Apply to swollen joints twice a day in morning and evening for good relief.
  • Take leaves every morning or drink juice of Bael leaves for controlling high blood pressure.
  • Extract the juice of 100 soft Bael leaves. Mix this juice with powder of 10 black pepper. Take this every morning and evening for faster relief from jaundice. Along with this try to drink 5 glasses of sugarcane juice daily after meals.
  • Eat dried pulp of raw bael to quickly stop loose motion.
  • Take 1 teaspoon raw fruit pulp twice a day to stop vomiting and nausea in pregnancy.
  • Take 200 bael leaves and grind them well. Add it to 1 cup boiling water till it becomes thick. Add a little honey and eat this paste twice or thrice a day for quicker recovery from typhoid.
  • Take ripe bael fruit with fresh cream or butter and sugar candy powder to have good concentration power and increase intelligence.
  • The gum from seeds is used as household glue and adhesive by jewelers. If mixed with lime, it is used for waterproofing walls and when mixed with cement, it is used for waterproofing walls.
  • The wood of this tree is used for preparing tools, knife handles, pestles, combs, carvings, etc.
  • Bael oil is effective against 21 species of bacteria.
  • Bael leaves are used for treating dyspepsia and sinusitis.
  • The unripe fruit helps in relieving infestations of intestinal worms and rotavirus.
  • The unripe and half ripe fruits help in improving appetite and digestion.
  • The roots and bark of the tree are used for treating fever and malaria.
  • The root, bark and leaves are used in the treatment of snake bites.
  • The essential oil acts as a natural food preservative as it has anti fungal properties.


  • Eating ripe fruit can cause constipation, hence pregnant women and others having trouble with bowel movements should avoid eating it.
Herbs Home Remedies

Flax Seeds and its Splendid Benefits on Our Health

Would you believe if someone says a seed can be rich source of micro nutrients, omega-3 fatty acids, dietary fibre, minerals and vitamins?

Still wondering? I am talking about Flax seeds or linseeds.

Flax seeds are generally known for its good quality fat, natural high fibre content and anti oxidant quality. They are rich in lignans, fibre and Omega-3 fatty acids.

Flax seeds are grown all over the world and so it comes in different varieties. You can extract the oil from seed and also fibre from its stem. Faber that is extracted is used to make threads for linen cloth. The Flax seeds oil contains essential fatty acids beneficial for good health.

Flax seeds are very low in carbohydrates making it an ideal choice for those individuals with limited consumption of starches and sugars. The healthy fat and high fibre content makes Flax seeds an excellent food for weight loss and maintains body weight.

Ayurveda uses Flax seeds for many of its preparations as it contains therapeutic properties. Flax seeds are known for hot, pungent, heavy, purgative and strengthening qualities.

Recent study has found evidence to suggest that Flax seeds can help lower the risk of diabetes, cancer and heart diseases. These are just few diseases to name, the list is much bigger. Flax Seeds and their ayurvedic benefits

Few Health Benefits of Flax seeds;

  • Protection against prostate, colon and breast cancers. Flax seeds prevent the growth of cancer cells. The lignin content in Flax seeds has anti angiogenic property that stops tumors from forming new blood vessels.
  • Helps in lowering cholesterol
  • Consumption of Flax seeds daily can help improve glycemic control in obese men/women with pre diabetes.
  • Antioxidant and anti inflammatory properties help protection against radiation.
  • Consumption of Flax seeds oil resulted in lowering hypertension.
  • Flax seeds can act as antidepressant.
  • Lignan content helps to reduce the risk of liver diseases.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids offer protection against heart diseases.
  • Essential fatty acids help in the transmission of nervous impulses thus preventing Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases.
  • Helps in speedy recovery of skin lesions and very effective for acne, psoriasis, eczema or sun burn.
  • Supports healthy hair and nails.
  • The Flax seeds oil is useful for infertility, impotence, menstrual cramps, endometriosis and menstrual problems in women.
  • Crushed Flax seeds contain high fibre which is effective for constipation.

Flax seeds are also used in bread and for preparing cakes. In Ayurveda there is a purgation therapy known as Virechana in which Flax seeds along with other herbs play an important role. Virechana helps in cleaning the sweat glands, colon, kidney, small intestine, liver, stomach and spleen.

Simple and Effective Home Remedies with Flax seeds for good health;

  • To reduce blood sugar or cholesterol, take 1 tablespoon of ground Flax seeds mixed with 5-10 ounces of water. This controls hunger between meals and also in blood sugar level.
  • Hot poultice of Flax seeds helps in treatment of eczema and other skin problems.
  • Pound Flax seeds in cold water and apply the paste on forehead for relief from headaches.
  • Pound Flax seeds and apply the paste on area infected by insect bite for relief.
  • Pound Flax seeds and apply the paste around eyes for redness in eyes.
  • Pound Flax seeds with isagbol and apply on painful joint for instant relief.
  • Poultice of Flax seeds oil is beneficial for arthritis.

There is no set dose for Flax seeds defined. To get the maximum benefits of Flax seeds, you should pound them and then eat it. They can also be mixed with other liquid or food such as muffins, cakes or bread.

Ayurved Herbs Home Remedies

Surprising Health Benefits of Humble Mint Leaves – Podina

Mouth starts watering when we think of lip-smacking Indian food with combination of delicious desi chutney. Want to make Chutney yummier? Flavor it up with Podina or commonly called as mint leaves.

SURPRISINGLY, most of us use or see these humble leaves as garnishing leaf for salad or sabzi. Hold your thoughts! Podina is definitely more than a garnishing leaf. The aroma and the freshness of Podina are so tempting that you just can’t stop smelling or eating.

Many of us don’t even know that Podina or known as pudina has many surprising health benefits.

Podina in Ayurveda is an herb which arouses the senses and decongests the orifices of our head. Podina is aromatic menthol and rich in many chemicals, vitamins and minerals. This herbaceous plant is antibacterial and antifibrile. Podina can be used for the treatment of illness such as headache, rhinitis, cough with sore throat, colic, vomiting, etc.

Podina is a good blood cleanser. It is also used as cardiac tonic in most of the pharmaceutical preparations. Podina’s antiseptic and antibacterial property makes it effective against most cases of oral infections like swollen gums, mouth ulcers and toothaches. Mint-leaves

The surprising or not so known health benefits of Podina;

  • Helps in treating stomachache and chest pains. Mint leaves soaked in water to make tea can ease stomach pain and as a sleeping aid.
  • Used to whiten teeth
  • Crushed and bruised Podina can be used for treatment of insect bites.
  • The strong aroma of fresh Podina leaves can stimulate brain functioning which is helpful for nausea.
  • For headaches, crushed Podina leaves are applied on forehead and temple.
  • Boil 6 tablespoons of Podina leaves and 2 glasses of water for 15 min. Strain the water and allow it to cool. Divide this into two portions and take each portion after 3-4 hours. This is an excellent remedy for toothaches.
  • For treating coughs, boil 6 tablespoons of chopped Podina leaves in 2 glasses of water for 15 min. Strain the water and allow it to cool. Divide this into 3 portions and take it 3 times a day.
  • Take some fresh Podina leaves and heat them on low flame. Pounding and applying on painful joints or muscles when it’s still warm, helps in the relief from arthritis.
  • For a refreshing mouthwash, soak 2 tablespoons of chopped Podina leaves in 1 glass of hot water for 30 min and then strain the water.
  • Podina is loaded with antioxidants that are excellent for abdomen. The menthol in it helps enzymes necessary for digestion.
  • A variety of pain relief ointments use mint extracts from Podina in their product. The mint extract causes a cooling effect on the hurting area, making it numb to an extent and so one can feel the pain reducing. You can also breathe in the vapors of mint extract as it calms down the nerves and gives a relaxed feeling to whole body.
  • The anti inflammatory and anti bacterial property of Podina makes it an excellent remedy for skin with acne. The strong antioxidant in Podina leaves a natural blush on skin and also rehydrates the skin that is dry and gloomy.
  • Podina is very helpful in preventing skin from inflammation, patches and blackheads. It also helps in quicker removal of dry and gloomy skin. The removal of dry skin will help pores to open, allowing skin to breathe.
  • To avoid bad breath or to kill bacteria in mouth, chew some mint leaves regularly.
  • Podina is packed with many nutrients and so they help in improving body’s immune system.
  • The aromatherapy from of mint extract is used to beat stress and revitalize the mind. Inhaling the fumes of mint helps in relaxing the body and soothing the mind. Podina helps in releasing small amounts of serotonin in brain that helps a person to beat stress or depression.
  • Podina is a great remedy for expectant mothers to treat morning sickness or nausea. Eat few leaves of Podina or smelling few crushed leaves can be very helpful.
Ayurved Herbal Plants Herbs Home Remedies

Amazing Health Benefits of Triphala

Ever imagined if it is possible to treat your body ailment with aid of natural source!

What would you prefer? Treating illness with high dose chemical medicines which might have side effects OR care for your body and treat it by Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is nothing but natural elements found in nature put in a form more easily consumable by us. Many people have found Ayurvedic treatments more beneficial than others.

Ayurveda has given this world so many effectual medicines with no side effects and successful healing benefits. One of its innovative discovery is Triphala which is Ayurvedic herbal rasayana in either powder or tablet form.

As the name suggests Triphala contains three fruits in equal proportion. The fruits are Amla, Myrobalan and Belleric Myrobalan. These three fruits have their own medicinal properties and when combined together becomes an excellent medicine with wide range of healing properties. Triphala-ayurvedic-medicine

A very common problem these days with many individuals is constipation and irregular bowel movements. Triphala is the most effective herbal medicine for such problems.

Triphala is an effective laxative which also supports body strength. It has high nutritional value due to which it uniquely cleanses and detoxifies without diminishing our body reserves.

The other benefits of Triphala are:

  • Perk up digestion
  • Evident dip in serum cholesterol
  • Get rid of excess fat from body
  • Will assist in reducing high blood pressure
  • Helps to maintain good reproductive wellbeing in both genders
  • Noticeable improvement of liver functions
  • Verified anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties
  • Useful for treatment of eye diseases
  • Helpful in the treatment of diabetes
  • Builds immune system stimulation as it has high content of Vitamin C
  • Supports in proper functioning of digestive system
  • It helps in improving the functions of lungs, urinary tract and the muscles

Triphala is recommended for regular intake to enjoy its maximum benefits. If taken regularly it helps lungs and reduces the intensity of asthmatic attack. Triphala has antioxidants which help in fighting cancers and signs of aging.

It protects you against infectious diseases and helps in healing chronic ulcers and arthritis. The detoxifying ability with Triphala helps you in having a healthy body and good hair growth.

Triphala is supposed to be taken few hours before bed time. You can take as many as three doses per day.

Simple steps to help you enjoy the benefits of Triphala;

  • Triphala powder can be taken with water or honey as per your taste.
  • Mix 1 tablespoon of Triphala powder in water and take it before bed. This helps you with constipation problems.
  • Take Triphala with honey for cleansing and other health benefits.
  • If you don’t like the taste Triphala powder, you can consume Triphala in capsule form.
  • You can also try having Triphala tea to hide the taste of powder. Boil 1 glass of water and 1 tsp of Triphala powder. Allow to cool and have it by adding some honey for taste.
  • Put Triphala powder soaked in water overnight. Splash this water on eyes for healing redness of eyes.

Excessive use of Triphala can cause diarrhea and dehydration. Pregnant woman should not take Triphala as it has the tendency to lead to miscarriage. Triphala has to be taken for five to ninety days. The longer you take the more benefits you fetch. However, if you are planning to take it for a longer period, it is advised to decrease the dosage after certain period of time.

Always remember that per day you don’t exceed Triphala intake more than 3-5 grams. If it’s a capsule do not take more than 5-6 capsules per day.

Triphala can be taken daily; it maintains the balance in many conditions. You can use it to detox your liver or as blood purifier or as colon cleanser. Try taking Triphala before sleeping in the night to facilitate natural body detox and once in morning to act as a strengthening tonic!

Ayurved Herbs Home Remedies

Ayurvedic Treatment for Loss of Memory

According to Ayurveda body and mind are interlinked and both affect each other in a good or bad way. A healthy body is definitely foundation steps for a healthy brain and a healthy brain is the foundation for a healthy body. In fact body and mind complements each other. Hence while treating loss of memory, both psychic as well as physical factors are considered. One cannot expect an excellent memory power from a malnourished person.


As per Ayurveda Brahmi works like wonder in case of memory loss. Juice of Brahmi plant is used in medicines. Brahmi juice tastes bitter and astringent.It is advised to prescribe 30ML of Brahmi juice to the patient on an empty stomach twice daily.Because of its taste, it can be taken with honey.

Cow’s ghee has very good effect on brain and body. Many times medicines are prepared from ghee by boiling Brahmi with it, which is known as Brahmighrita and available in market commercially. One spoonful of this can be given to the patient on an empty stomach twice daily.memory loss and its treatment

When a patient is suffering from memory loss due to weak physic Brahmighrita with milk mixed with sugar or honey works well. Brahmighrita has to be mixed with warm milk and honey or sugar and can be given on an empty stomach to the patient twice daily.

Another herb used to treat memory loss is known as Vacha. Root of this plant is used as medicine to treat memory loss. One teaspoonful of the powder of this root can be taken with honey twice daily. Mixing this preparation with ghee adds benefits. Commercial products like Sarasvata Churna contains Brahmi and Vacha.


Cow’s milk, ghee etc. are good for the patient. All food with pungent and spicy taste should be avoided. Bitter foods also can be avoided for faster recovery. Consumption of Almond and Amalaki are known as helpful in memory loss condition. Healthy lifestyle is advisable.

The patient should be kept away from all kinds of worries, sadness, anxieties etc. Yoga is very useful to treat memory loss faster as it helps in calming down the mind. Prayer helps as it brings concentration.


Ayurved Herbs Home Remedies

Ayurveda and Hypothyroidism

When problems take place within thyroid gland, which further leads to insufficient circulation of thyroid gland, then it is termed as hypothyroidism.

According to nidana, hypothyroidism has been classified into three categories:

  • Primary (due to thyroid failure)
  • Secondary (due to pituitary TSH deficit)
  • Tertiary (due to hypothalamic deficiency of TRH)

The last two are rare in nature and Ayurvedic treatments cannot help in combating them.

Causes of hypothyroidism

You would be sad to know that the prime reason for getting affected by hypothyroidism is a deficiency of iodine in the body according to sarvadha Suva bahvanam. In many cases, it has been seen that this ailment is also caused by pituitary or hypothalamic disease too.

If hypothyroidism is caused by genetic and hereditary defects, it is categorized under adibala pravritta vyadhis in Ayurveda and is asadhya.

If congenital defects like ectopic thyroid gland, thyroid gland agenesis and dysgenesis are responsible for causing hypothyroidism, then it is categorized under janmabala pravritta vyadhis. But this can be preventable if proper pathyapathya is followed during pregnancy.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism:

The person affected with hypothyroidism suffer from various symptoms like dry skin, high levels of lethargy, frequent headaches, coldness in the hands and/or feet, obesity, decrease in metabolism, anorexia, disordered menstrual  function, frequent constipation, decreased mental and physical activity.

Confused about which types of drugs to be taken at each level of hypothyroidism? Well, don’t get upset. Keep in mind that at hypothlamo pituitary level, anti stress drugs along with nasya karma and medhya rasayana drugs are highly valuable. If hypothyroidism is at thyroid gland level, thyroid stimulatory drugs are suggested. But if hypothyroidism is at metabolism level drugs like sukshma, deepana, lekhana, ushna, teekshna and pacahana are recommended as these drugs are very helpful in enhancing body’s metabolism. For increasing body’s immunity during hypothyroidism, even immune-modulator drugs are given to the patient.

You would be surprised to know that animal study conducted by researchers proved that guggul enhances the healthy thyroid functioning by increasing the conversion of inactive thyroxin (T4) to more active triiodotyronine (T3). This is done by escalating the thyroid proteolytic activity along with the uptake of iodine into thyroxin without any rise in thyroid stimulating hormone production.

Selenium provides a number of useful enzymes in the body which is known as selenoproteins. These certain specified selenoproteins are helpful in catalyzing thyroid hormone T4 into T3. any deficiency of selenium in the body can lead to thyroid function impairment. Drug pippali is valuable in absorption of selenium and hence used widely.

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Health Benefits of Black Pepper : Herbs

black pepper health benefitsBlack pepper is often termed as the “king of spices”. Black pepper has more health benefits than most people know about. It has the potential to make food most beneficial when used as a spice in various recipes. Black pepper is obtained from the pepper vine that usually grows in tropical climates. The fruits borne by these vines are known as peppercorns. These peppercorns when collected and ground to fine powder becomes black pepper powder.

Black pepper as spice

Black pepper is used in Indian, Continental, Chinese, Thai recipes. It’s used to spice up, eggs, salads, soups, steaks, tea, etc. In order to keep the taste unchanged, they are usually powdered just before cooking.When Captain Christopher Columbus visited Spain after his first ever journey in the year 1493, he didn’t take any of the precious spices or herbs from the East Indies. Cinnamon, Black pepper, and Cloves were the spices that he did not carry with him. Peppers have a powerful, delicious flavour that comes to them from volatile oils such as piperine.

Health Benefits

Black pepper and sodium are two important spice that to go hand-in-hand when it comes to preparing our foods. However, many people stay away from salt because too much of it makes us retain water. Black pepper, in this case, gives an opposite reaction. This functions as a diuretic. It also motivates our bodies to sweat and gets rid of poisons.

According to the American Spice Trade Organization, black pepper contains salt (slight amount). There is about 10 mg of salt in 100 grams of black pepper. Another awesome health advantage of black pepper is that it helps in digestive functions. When we eat this spice, our taste buds get active, and they send alerts to our abdomen informing it to increase its manufacturing of hydrochloric acid. This acidity helps our body to process food, and thus, we don’t experience heartburn. It can also help avoid the development of abdominal gas and reduces abdomen discomfort.

People suffering from light Anorexia can restore their hunger by intake of black pepper because it promotes their taste buds. Black pepper is also very beneficial in case of common cold and chest congestion. Drinking a hot cup of tea with black pepper can clear the blockage and provide instant relief.

Another incredible health benefit is that it’s very useful in kitchen cuts. Not only it stops blood loss, but its anti-bacterial qualities will also enhance healing and destroy viruses.

Storing Black Pepper

Black peppers are available year around. Buy whole peppercorns instead of powdered ones as it may contain adulterated powders. The peppercorns should be healthy, large, circular and light weight. Peppercorns can be saved at room temperatures for many years. It can be kept in the fridge more than a month. Powdered form should be stored in the refrigerator in airtight bins.