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Ayurveda and Hypothyroidism

When problems take place within thyroid gland, which further leads to insufficient circulation of thyroid gland, then it is termed as hypothyroidism.

According to nidana, hypothyroidism has been classified into three categories:

  • Primary (due to thyroid failure)
  • Secondary (due to pituitary TSH deficit)
  • Tertiary (due to hypothalamic deficiency of TRH)

The last two are rare in nature and Ayurvedic treatments cannot help in combating them.

Causes of hypothyroidism

You would be sad to know that the prime reason for getting affected by hypothyroidism is a deficiency of iodine in the body according to sarvadha Suva bahvanam. In many cases, it has been seen that this ailment is also caused by pituitary or hypothalamic disease too.

If hypothyroidism is caused by genetic and hereditary defects, it is categorized under adibala pravritta vyadhis in Ayurveda and is asadhya.

If congenital defects like ectopic thyroid gland, thyroid gland agenesis and dysgenesis are responsible for causing hypothyroidism, then it is categorized under janmabala pravritta vyadhis. But this can be preventable if proper pathyapathya is followed during pregnancy.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism:

The person affected with hypothyroidism suffer from various symptoms like dry skin, high levels of lethargy, frequent headaches, coldness in the hands and/or feet, obesity, decrease in metabolism, anorexia, disordered menstrual  function, frequent constipation, decreased mental and physical activity.

Confused about which types of drugs to be taken at each level of hypothyroidism? Well, don’t get upset. Keep in mind that at hypothlamo pituitary level, anti stress drugs along with nasya karma and medhya rasayana drugs are highly valuable. If hypothyroidism is at thyroid gland level, thyroid stimulatory drugs are suggested. But if hypothyroidism is at metabolism level drugs like sukshma, deepana, lekhana, ushna, teekshna and pacahana are recommended as these drugs are very helpful in enhancing body’s metabolism. For increasing body’s immunity during hypothyroidism, even immune-modulator drugs are given to the patient.

You would be surprised to know that animal study conducted by researchers proved that guggul enhances the healthy thyroid functioning by increasing the conversion of inactive thyroxin (T4) to more active triiodotyronine (T3). This is done by escalating the thyroid proteolytic activity along with the uptake of iodine into thyroxin without any rise in thyroid stimulating hormone production.

Selenium provides a number of useful enzymes in the body which is known as selenoproteins. These certain specified selenoproteins are helpful in catalyzing thyroid hormone T4 into T3. any deficiency of selenium in the body can lead to thyroid function impairment. Drug pippali is valuable in absorption of selenium and hence used widely.

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