Ayurved Doctor

Home Remedies

Home remedies for pneumonia

Pneumonia is basically a lungs infection mainly affecting small children and old people. Bacteria and virus infections are responsible for causing pneumonia ailment. In some cases, insects as well as fungal infections too gave give rise to pneumonia.

It is true that a number of medical treatments are available for treating pneumonia, but one can also make use of home remedies to cure pneumonia in a natural way. Some of such home remedies for pneumonia are mentioned below!

  • Onion:  Onions are widely used in everyday cooking. It is rich in medicinal properties.  For treating pneumonia, place 3-4 medium sized onions in a pot and add a few drops of mustard oil along with vinegar. Allow it to get heated on a burner until all the three ingredients mixes well. When thick paste of brown color appears, make a poultice from it. Placing this poultice on the chest is very helpful in curing pneumonia.pneumonia
  • Basil: Basil or Tulsi leaves are very effective herb that helps in treating a number of ailments in a natural way. Basil juice is considered effective in getting rid of pneumonia ailment. Prepare basil juice and add pinch of black pepper to it. Drinking this juice 2-3 times in a day help in getting rid of pneumonia in an easy way.
  • Ginger: Ginger is considered very effective in treating a number of health ailments. For treating pneumonia, make ginger paste and add a few drops of honey to it along with a pinch of black pepper. Taking this mixture 3-4 times on daily basis wonderfully cures pneumonia.
  • Raw garlic: For getting rid of minor pneumonia, raw garlic is the best option. This is because garlic is rich in amazing antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties. Chewing 2-3 cloves of raw garlic for 2-3 days consecutively helps help you treat minor pneumonia easily.

3 replies on “Home remedies for pneumonia”

Sir, I am Nitin kr rana and I am 14 years old I am suffering from pneumonia . I have lots of problem to take breath when suddenly come caught please give me some suggestion to cure this problem.

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