Ayurved Doctor

Ayurved Home Remedies

RingWorm-Ayurvedic Treatment

Ringworm is a contagious skin disease, which is caused by fungal infection. This infection is known as Dadru in Ayurveda. As per Ayurveda, almost all kind of skin diseases are the result of impure blood. To treat skin disease it is always advisable to go for blood purification treatment too.


The patient will find scaly circular patches on the skin with severe itching. Sometimes it becomes slightly red, and itching continues.


As this is a contagious disease, first of all, keep some isolation between patient and others. Don’t use the clothes used by the patient. Wash the clothes properly every day. Let the patient wear clean and dry clothes always. Bathing with warm water mixed with neem leaves is extremely helpful in getting rid of many kinds of skin diseases.  Try to keep the patient away from humidity as humidity helps in worsening skin conditions.Ring-Worm

Applying a paste of neem leaves over the affected area helps in quicker recovery.

An ointment prepared from Cassia,Angustifolia and lemon juice are applied on the affected parts to get an immediate result.

A mixture of lemon grass, coconut oil or til oil can be applied on the affected part. It is also a well tested externally applied medicine to get rid of ringworm.

Take a piece of turmeric and gently rub it on a stone slab drenched with water. Apply the paste on the affected parts. When it dries out, apply another layer of turmeric paste over it. In a couple of days, ringworm will start disappearing. Continue for a week even after you feel it is cured.

There are many ayurvedic medicines available in the market like Dadryhara Lepa, Dadry Damana Malahara, Dadrughnavati etc can be applied in affected parts to get rid of ringworm.

As per Ayurveda blood purification helps a lot to get rid of this disease. Internal medications  like Manjistadi decoction, Arogya Vardhini tablets and allerin tablets helps in purifying blood there by rooting out ringworm.

Power made from Parijataka(Myctinthis Arboristritis)  can be used if the patient has ringworm on the scalp.  Somalaji Taila is also known to be helpful in ringworm on the scalp. Often Saribadyarista is prescribed to take two teaspoonfuls with an equal quantity of water.


Give sufficient fruit juices. All kind of sour foods like curd and pickle etc. are strictly prohibited. All types pungent foods are strictly prohibited. Easy edible and well-cooked food can be taken through out the treatment.

Note: Remember, there are fair chances that the disease will come back as we stated earlier that it is contagious and affects patients with contaminated blood. Continue medication for one more week even it seems to be cured.

Ayurved Home Remedies

Influenza – Ayurvedic treatment

Influenza is a disease followed by depression, distressing fever and acute catarrhal inflammation of the nose, larnyx and bronchi, neuralgic and muscular pain, gastrointestinal disorder and nervous disturbances. Many times influenza attacks human being as an epidemic and comes to picture during seasonal change.

Ayurvedic Interpretation:

In Ayurveda influenza is called Vatashalaishmika Jwara. As per Ayurveda during seasonal change equilibrium of dosha(Vata, Pitta, Kapha) get disturbed because of change in weather or environment. If sufficient defense power is not there in the human body to resist this change this kind of diseases attack. Ayurveda says, a person with constipation problem and unhealthy nasal membrane or throat are more prone to this disease.

Ayurvedic Treatment:

As this disease is associated with constipation and gastric disorder Pippali(long pepper) is a herb of choice to recommend.A half teaspoonful of the powder of long pepper is mixed with two teaspoonfuls of honey and two spoonfuls of ginger juice and is given three times a day.This helps in building resistance power of human body against influenza. This also helps in bronchitis and throat congestion.

Tulsi(Ocimum Sanctum) is another herb recommended for this condition. Tea is made up of leaves of this plant mixed with equal amount of ginger powder. If patients don’t like the taste of the tulsi-ginger tea , milk and sugar can be added. This can be given three/four times a day.

Turmeric is also a good herb to treat influenza. One teaspoonful of turmeric mixed with a cup of milk is given to the patient three times a day.

Ayurvedic medicines:

Tribhuvana Kirti Rasa is an ayurvedic drug usually recommended by ayurvedic doctors to treat influenza. This medicine is available in tablet as well as in powder form in the market. 250 mg tablet of this medicine mixed with honey is given to the patient three times a day. If cough is accompanied by influenza, one teaspoonful of ginger juice can be added to above medicine and given to the patient.


All kinds of heavy meal, oily food, junk foods are strictly prohibited in Influenza condition. Give very light and properly cooked food to the patient. Barley or Sago boiled with milk and sugar is an excellent diet for the patient. Bread, biscuit, and soups(meat and vegetable) can be given to the patient.Garlic is highly helpful to influenza patient. Add few cloves of garlic to the food and give it to the patient. Ginger can also be added to soup or vegetables.


Don’t expose the patient to cold wind. Restrict bathing activity. Don’t do exercise. Don’t stay awake late in the night. Oil massage should be avoided. Avoid mental as well as physical work and take rest and get well soon.

Ayurved Home Remedies

Smoking Addiction- Ayurvedic Treatment

Addiction can be treated as a form of mental disorder, where patients suffer from much of tamas (Inertia of mind) rajas or mental disturbances.Addiction plays a role to calm down the mind in an artificial way.

Vata(air properties of human body) likes smoke to calm down anxiety and give distraction from worry. Pitta(fire properties in human body) loves the addition of fire properties into human and make it feel more powerful. Kapha(Water properties of human body) likes the stimulating power of tobacco.

Smoking is one of such health hazard creating addiction. Herb Calamus is quite helpful in treating smoking addiction. Initially small quantity of Calamus is added to cigarettes or it can be taken in powder form or mixed with Ghee.

Gotu Kola is often found very useful to treat smoking addiction if the patient if suffering from Pitta and Kapha Dosha. Ashwagandha is a known herb for treating smoking addiction when Vata influences the patient. Chamomile is another tested herb which is prescribed to calm down nerves which encourage urge to smoke in addicted patients.

Ayurvedic Treatment

Patients influenced by Kapha(water) are more prone to congestion when they try to quit smoking. To avoid any side effects of quitting smoking for Kapha influenced patients cloves or calamus with honey is prescribed(Even you get medicines like Trikatu or Clove Compound in the market for this). Long pepper(Pippali) is helpful in rebuilding lung.

Excess smoking lead to weak lung, dry cough and constipation in patients influenced with Vata(air). Ashwagandha, Shatavari, ginseng, marshmallow are few very beneficial food supplement to restore lost power body due to excess smoking in Vata type patients.

If the patient is influenced with Pitta(fire), very often they are infected with various diseases of lung, liver and blood. In such cases, Ayurveda suggests detoxifying the body. Aloe gel, Shatavari, bayberry, etc. are recommended as herbal supplements. Sudarshan Churna is a well-known compound to help in above scenarios.

Ayurved Home Remedies

Myopia- Ayurvedic Treatment

Myopia is an eye disease seen in a young age where patients find difficulties in seeing objects at a distance.Myopia is also known as short sightedness. Research says this might occur due to the curvature change of the refracting surface of the eye or might be the refractivity problem of the eye.

Concave lens helps in relieving the patients from Myopia, but the user has to use the spectacles for ever.Recent development of laser technology might give patients permanent relief and allow patient not to use spectacles. If a patient is suffering from progressive Myopia, patient’s problem continues to increase though time and force the patient to change lens power as time passes.

Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myopia

As per Ayurveda, if a person is suffering from chronic cold and constipation, he/she is more prone to get Myopia. Nervous system disorder is also known to be one of the reasons for this disease.

In the initial stage, patient experience blurred vision and gradually he finds difficulty in recognizing objects at a distance. Reading for a long time becomes a problem for the patient. Watering from the eye, itching, burning sensation and feeling heavy eyes are few symptoms patient might experience which might lead to a headache and lack of sleep.

Ayurvedic Treatment

Ayurveda says, before even start treating Myopia, the patient is treated with the root cause of the disease like chronic cold and constipation.

Ayurvedic Doctors commonly recommend Triphala for the treatment of constipation; this also helps in providing nutrients for the eyes.One table spoon of the Triphala powder is mixed with a glass of water and kept overnight and in the early morning the water can be taken in empty stomach. Some times it may cause loose motion.Therefore, it is recommended to take regulated amount to have one clear motion in the early morning. This medicine can be taken for 15 days continuously to fight against constipation. Patients are advised to continue even after 15 days to have a significant result on eyes.

Yashti Madhu is another medicine recommended by Ayurveda for the treatment of Myopia. One teaspoonful powder of Yashti Madu is mixed with 1/2 teaspoonful of  Ghee(cow ghee) and one tea spoonful of honey. This medicine is given twice daily in empty stomach.

Saptamrita lauha is an Ayurvedic  medicine available in the market made from above compound, if myopia is the result of nervous debility Saptamrita Lauha is an excellent medicine. In this medicine Triphala, Yashti Madu, Lauha Bhasma, Ghee and Honey are used. Patient can take one teaspoonful of this medicine added with one cup of milk twice daily.

To fight against Progressive Myopia, Maha Triphala Ghrita is recommended. One teaspoonful of this medicine twice daily with milk is prescribed.


Avoid any food that is hard to digest. Any sour, spicy food is strictly prohibited. Take properly cooked and with minimum or no oil and masala(spicy) food. Avoid all fast foods. Cows ghee is a recommended food as it helps in improving eye power. Avoid all fried foods.

General advice : Try to learn relaxing and stop getting anxious about the eye condition getting worse. Don’t let your children fear of their eye conditions. Improve mental strength to learn that it can be cured or progression can be stopped if proper care is taken.There is no ailment/disease in the world which cannot be cured if mind and medicines work together closely to complement each other.

Greenery has an immense real effect on eye and brain as well as on general health. Expose yourself to more and more greenery. Expose yourself to morning sun ray. Start a yoga routine. Eat healthy and avoid alcohol, fried food, excess spicy food and stop eating food from outside eateries.

Never forget to visit a qualified and reputed doctor and take advise. Its worth spending few bucks for an essential part of the body like the eye. Do not be your doctor and take any medicines found on the internet or a book without a physician’s examination/advice. Internet source/books should be treated as a just reference and not as the final prescription and should be treated as general information only. As per Ayurveda each and every body type differs and different medicines should be prescribed for different body type/condition.

Ayurved Home Remedies

Joint pain- Ayurvedic Treatment

Joint pain has become a very common ailment in the modern age because of modern and restless lifestyle and nutrient-less fast food, lack of proper exercise and the polluting environment. If you are lucky enough, you might be one of the hundreds who has no joint pain at all. Thousands of people visit doctors with the complaint of joint pain, and in return they get a bagful of medicines and massage oil, which tear apart their money wallet and after prolonged use of the medications even stomach gets torn down because of side effects of high power medicines without any help to joint pain.

Although you might be frustrated with the magnet like disease, joint pain, there are several ways we can avoid it or root it out altogether. The most important part is regular exercise(sensible exercise and not reckless exercise, yoga is best).

Let us talk about one of the most ancient medication system Ayurveda for Joint Pain treatment.

As per Ayurveda, the root cause of joint pain is ama. It comes into picture when there is a digestion problem, lack of interest to have food. This is known as Agnimandya in Ayurveda. When appetite loss happens, Ama gets formed and absorbed by body system which leads to joint pain.If this happens for a longer time ama accumulates in joints and lead to arthritis. Ayurveda says if appetite loss is treated early arthritis can be prevented.

If you are already suffering from arthritis, it is advisable to take proper Ayurveda drugs to digest it by body system. Panchakarma is one of the most effective treatment in Ayurveda to root out Ama in joints.If you take care of your digestive system from the beginning, there will be minimal chances of joint pain. Never avoid taking food when you are hungry. Do not take anything which will hinder your appetite like cold drinks or fast food. Warm water mixed with Soonth, Pippali is known to be helpful in retaining the digestive power. Avoid constipation by taking digestible food.

If you are overweight, you might need to reduce your weight. You should remember that your joints were meant to bear your body weight which brings it most strain. Do not start a dieting spree. Painkillers like Aspirin etc. give relief for a short time and creating the highway for the worst paint in future, avoid them.

One of the reasons behind joint pain is Vata Dosha. Ayurveda says massage with Mahanarayana oil in and around affected part is helpful. Apply hot water and steam along with the oil massage. Nirgundi leaves boiled with Castor oil is helpful in controlling joint pain.


Cataract – Ayurvedic Treatment

Opacification of the lens or its capsule sufficient to interfere with the vision of the eye is called cataract. In Ayurveda, this disease is called Timira or Linga Nasha. Aggravated Vayu is considered to be responsible for the manifestation of this disease. One of the properties of Vayu is to make things dry up. When the unctuousness and softness of the lens and its capsule are lost, it becomes opaque, and the rays of light coming from the object are unable to pass through this. When the rays do not pass through this, the retina becomes incapable of accepting them. Thereby, the perception of vision is impaired. In the first stage of the cataract the whole lens or the capsule may not be affected, and thus, there will be only partial impairment of vision. The object may appear disrupted or dull.


The aggravated Vayu has to be corrected first. Ghee is one of the important articles which correct Vayu. Triphala provides nourishment and strengthens the nerves and other tissues of the eyeball. Maha Triphala Ghrita consisting of ghee with Triphala, among others is popularly used for the treatment of this condition. If the cataract is fully matured, then it is difficult to correct it. This medicine, therefore, acts very well only in the first stage of the development of this condition. This medicated ghee is given to the patient in a dose of two teaspoonfuls, twice daily, about one hour before taking food mixed with a cup of warm milk.


Hysteria-Ayurvedic Treatment

Hysteria is a common form of the emotional reaction in which a patient tends to act out of his/her mental control in a dramatic way. Brain behaves in such a way to attract others to gain sympathy.Many times Hysteria starts with events like meeting an accident, separation from beloved one and so on. In these cases, the patient feels much worse than that what it is and start behaving in a dramatic way.

In Ayurveda, this is known as Unmada. Studies say women outnumber than men in this disease. This disease doesnot even spare children.

The symptoms of hysteria are connected with neurotic or emotional factors. However, physically the patient may suffer from hyper-acidity or heart burn, indigestion, or even an ulcer. They may affect the intestines resulting either in acute form of constipation, or severe diarrhea, depending upon the responses to emotionally charged situation. It may take the form of colitis with the severe ulceration of the intestinal valve. No organ of the body is immune to the psycho-somatic symptoms or diseases and they may manifest themselves in the form of an allergy, skin eruption or other types of organic and physical illness.
Sarpagandha, brahmi, vacha and Shankhapushpi are the drugs of choice for the treatment of this disease. They correct both the body and the mind of the individual. All these drugs are made into a powder and mixed in equal quantities. The patient should take it in a dose of one gram, three times a day, mixed with a cup of milk. These patients usually suffer from sleeplessness or disturbed sleep which is corrected by these medicines. Use of ashvagandha gives considerable relief to these patients. A preparation of this drug is known as Ashvagandharishta. Six teaspoonfuls of this liquid medicine is given to the patients after food, twice daily, mixed with equal quantity of water.

Herbal Plants Home Remedies

Bitter Gourd(Karela)- Sweeter Truth

Many don’t like the taste of Bitter Gourd(Karela) because of its extremely bitter taste. Children hate to have any curry in their plate made up of Bitter Gourd. But research says BitterGourd is many ways beneficial for the human. It has many vitamins and nutrients which help in building a healthy living. It is also known for its benefits in case of diabetics.This is also known to be helpful in Piles.

Below are a few points which may help you love the vegetable, i.e Bitter Gourd (Karela).

  1. Karela is known for its goodness to improve the immune system in the human body.
  2. Regular intake of Bitter Gourd as part of your diet is extremely helpful in eliminating skin aliments like psoriasis and other skin infections(Ringworm, athlete’s foot, etc.).
  3. If you are suffering from Cholera, here is a home remedy. Take two tablespoons of Bitter Gourd Juice(Karela Juice) along with equal amount of Onion and Lime juice. Take this home remedy twice daily. (Remember you can use this home remedy if the diseases is diagnosed in its early stage).bitter gourd
  4. Bitter Gourd is beneficial for Piles too. Take two tablespoons of Bitter Gourd Juice and mix it with a glass of buttermilk. Take this preparation thrice a day.
  5. For diabetic patients, BitterGourd is a blessing. There is a natural compound found in Bitter Gourd(Karela), i.e., hypoglycemic, which is known for its effectiveness to control sugar level in blood. It helps in glucose tolerance in the human body.
  6. Beta-carotene is found in Bitter Gourd, which is beneficial for healthy eyes.

If you see all the benefits discussed above, Bitter Gourd should be called Better Gourd.

Ayurved Home Remedies

Calm down your hyperactive child

Its a tough task to bring up a hyper active child, because of their ever changing mood and activities. It sometimes becomes difficult to keep an eye on the activities of such children. Many times it is frustrating for the parents.
There several ways in alternative medicines which will help the child as well as parents stay calm.Below are few suggestions, to help your child calm down and help you control your frustration.

Physical Exercise: It is very important to make your child do some physical exercise daily. Remember, if it is possible let them do exercise outdoor and not in artificial lighting and environment.Study reveals that, kids staying most of their time inside with artificial light are more restless. Make sure their room get adequate sun light and free air. This will help them to calm down easily. Keep a practice of doing yoga regularly. Believe me this will help you in leading a healthy life and your kid will get inspiration of this to make yoga as a routine.Make whole family follow some yogic exercises.

Color Effect: Dark color like Red are known to increase stress and blood pressure. Reduce or remove dark colors from your kids’ room. Paint walls with light colors like light blue or baby pink. Keep few smiling, playful images on the wall. Train them to use natural light as much as possible.All these will help to reduce stress on your child and in turn, help them to remain calm.

Body Massage: For all age body massage is the best solution for restlessness and children are no exception. Massage your child with a proper oil. You can add little aromatic oil, like lavender. It will help your child calm down quickly. Again, it will help in building a bond between you and your kid reducing your frustration on his/her activities.

Deep Breathing: Deep breathing is a well-known solution to reduce stress immediately. Teach your child to have deep breathing when ever he/she feels restless. You should demonstrate to inspire your child regularly to do so.

Food Selection: Remember, food has everlasting effects of the body as well as the mind.

  1. Try to avoid all kind of spicy, oily and fried food.
  2. Any drinks with caffeine will increase restlessness in your kid. Avoid those!
  3. Fast food is an enemy in case of restlessness, aggression and stress. You should avoid as much as possible.
  4. Reduce sugar in food items. The less, the better.
  5. Lots of water helps in the cleansing of body and there by the mind.
  6. Regular intake of fresh vegetables and fresh fruit will help in calming down.
  7. Fish can be taken, but avoid meat and shellfish.

Medication to make your child calm down may have immediate affect, but remember, any kind of medication can have side effects and hence should be avoided in case of children, when ever possible. Don’t run to a doctor saying “my child is restless stealing my day and night” and introduce his/her tender mind and body  to a word of harmful medicines.

Ayurvedic Doctors list

Ayurvedic Doctors in West Bengal

Name:Dr. Pradip Kumar Seth
Edu Qualification:B.A.M.S.,M.Sc(PSY).,M.Sc(Y).,F.N.R.,P.G.D.V.T.
Specialities:Ayurvedic medicine and surgery, Ayurvedic Pancha karma as well as Keralian Panchakarma thera, Yoga as well as Naturopathy
Address :
Hooghly - 712405
West Bengal 
Ph- 03212-242480
Clinic Address:
Hooghly - 712405
West Bengal 
Ph- 03212-242480

Name:Dr. Debasish Pahari
Edu Qualification:B.A.M.S., M.D(Ayurveda), Ph.D (Fellow), M.B.A.
Specialities:Ayurvedic Specialist ( Ayurvedic medicine & Panchakarma )
Address :
Pahari Ayurved Pharmacy
743,D.H. Road, Behala Chowrasta
Behala Chowrasta, 
Kolkata (West Bengal) - 700008
Clinic Address:
Pahari Ayurved Pharmacy
743,D.H. Road, Behala Chowrasta
Behala Chowrasta, 
Kolkata (West Bengal) - 700008
Contact:+91-33-24460272, 9831025366
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