Ayurved Doctor

Ayurved Home Remedies

Ayurvedic treatment for Cirrhosis of the liver

Ayurvedic treatment for Cirrhosis of the liverThere are many people who don’t know the vitality of liver and the role it plays in the functioning of the body. If you are also one of these people then you must know that liver is one of the most vital organs of the body. It is the detoxifier of the body as it helps to eliminate all the toxins from the body. Thus, any damage to this organ can lead to death. The most common disease of the liver is the cirrhosis of liver wherein there is deterioration of the liver due to chronic injury. In this disease, there is a blockage of blood through the liver and unhealthy or scar tissues replace the normal tissues of the liver.

Faulty diet and excessive consumption of alcohol are the major causes of liver cirrhosis. Thus, a person consuming an excess of alcohol stands higher chances of developing this condition. However, there is, in fact, no need to worry about liver cirrhosis as there are many ayurvedic medicines that help to get rid of this condition in an effective manner.

Ayurvedic Treatment for cirrhosis of liver

As the saying goes, that prevention is the best cure, this applies to this condition as well and hence a person needs to curb the intake of alcohol to prevent the disease in first place. One of the most effective treatments for Liver Cirrhosis is the juice of the leaves of Bhringaraja or Eclipta Alba. This is mainly because; Eclipta Alba is known as an hepatoprotective and hence helps to get rid of not only Liver Cirrhosis but also other disorders of the liver. It not only helps in eliminating the Liver Cirrhosis but also contributes towards enhanced digestive system and improves the appetite of the person. However, it is bitter in taste and hence needs to be consumed along with honey especially if the patient is a child. Another Ayurvedic treatment for the sake of treating liver cirrhosis is Katuki . Katuki is herb obtained in the Himalayas in the Indian sub-continent. It consists of the dried rhizome and its root Picrorhiza kurroa or Royle ex Benth.  Rhizome is cut into small pieces and the person is asked to consume in the form of a tablet.

The person suffering from liver cirrhosis should stay away from food that cannot be easily digested. The person should also stay away from foods such as curd, ghee, and oil. Vegetables such as bitter gourd are effective in treating liver cirrhosis. In some cases, fasting for some days can also help in bringing the functions of the liver on track. A person suffering from liver cirrhosis should also not sleep during the day time and should avoid travelling on bumpy roads as much as possible and should also refrain from indulging into any strenuous exercises and take rest.

Ayurved Home Remedies

Ayurvedic Treatment for Duodenal Ulcer

Ayurvedic Treatment for Duodenal UlcerAre you experiencing pain in your stomach? Do you feel pain in your stomach once you have your food? If you answer these questions in the affirmative then you must know that you might be suffering from Duodenal Ulcer. Now, what is duodenal ulcer you might ask? Duodenal Ulcer is the inflammation of the Duodenum. The duodenum is the proximal portion of the intestine. This duodenum is 12 finger-breadths long and is located just below the lower end of the stomach. It plays a vital role in the process of digestion. However, you don’t need to worry if you are suffering from duodenal ulcer as there are many Ayurvedic treatments that help you to get rid of this ulcer. Before moving on to the treatments, it will be better if we take a look at what exactly happens in duodenal ulcer.

What is Duodenal Ulcer?

Duodenal ulcer is the ulcer of the duodenum. The main symptom of duodenal ulcer is chronic pain. It occurs mostly when a person feels hungry but vanishes when the person consumes some food. However, in majority cases, the pain persists even if the person consumes food. As this ulcer affects the process of digestion, the person starts losing weight as there is lack of absorption of vital constituents from the food. The person suffering from duodenal ulcer also experiences excruciating pain. In some cases, as the blood has to pass through the intestines, it also leads to bleeding. A person suffering from duodenal ulcer may also see blood in the stools. However, this is mostly evident in extreme cases and is quite rare.

Spicy foods are the main causes of duodenal ulcers. Apart from these stress and anxiety are also the primary causes behind a person developing duodenal ulcers. Thus, to get rid of duodenal ulcers, you need to stay away from activities that lead to stress as it is the number one cause of duodenal ulcers.

Ayurvedic treatment for duodenal ulcer

The nature of duodenal ulcer is such that it can be treated with little or no treatment. However, the most effective treatment for duodenal ulcer is the Sukumara Ghrita, which includes ghee and castor oil. A person suffering from duodenal ulcer needs to consume this ghee with milk. If the person is allergic to milk, then the ghee can also be consumed by mixing it in warm water. While taking these medications, the person needs to stay away from foods such as pulses and should not include food that leads to dryness and roughness in the body. Also, fried and spicy foods should be also avoided if a person wants to get rid of duodenal ulcer effectively. Food such as wheat, ghee, cheese and milk should be included in the diet of the person suffering from duodenal ulcer. Initially, a person suffering from duodenal ulcer needs to consume 1tsp of ghee with warm milk. The person needs to increase this intake gradually. Once the person is used to this intake of ghee, then he/she can consume a mixture of teaspoonful of ghee with warm milk.

To reduce the pain arising out of the duodenal ulcer, the person needs to consume the Shankha Bhasma which includes a mixture of conch shell ash which is obtained from seas and oceans, water and lemon juice and Aloe Vera. This mixture helps to improve the process of digestion and reduces the pain experienced by person caused due to duodenal ulcer. This mixture should be taken in a cup of warm water 2-4 times a day.

Ayurved Home Remedies

Ayurvedic treatment for Leucoderma

Ayurvedic treatment for LeucodermaLeucoderma is nothing but the localized loss of pigmentation on the skin. The white patches which are known as leucoderma is many times harmless to the patient and cause no physical trouble but it creates a big problem in social life as many misinterpret as leprosy and keep a distance from such patient.

In Ayurveda, this is known as a kind of harmless Kushtha. As per Ayurveda Leucoderma is the result of the deficient production of pitta in the body.

Sometimes these white patches in the skin become reddish and cause itching on the skin. The patient may also feel burning sensation on the affected parts.

Ayurvedic treatment of Leucoderma:As per Ayurveda leucoderma is caused by some kind of disturbances in the digestive system. People with dysentery problem are more prone to leucoderma. Therefore, Ayurvedic treatment starts with correction of dysentery problem and digestion problem. Kutaja is frequently prescribed herb for this kind of conditions. One teaspoonful of the powder of the bark of kutaja is given to the patient three times a day. Another drug recommended by Ayurvedic doctors is bhallataka. One teaspoonful of bhallataka can be given to the patient twice a day(Note:take this medicine under the supervision of an Ayurvedic Doctor only).

Bakuchi is another herb of choice to treat leucoderma. A paste prepared from the seeds of this plant is applied on the affected parts externally. Powder of this drug mixed with a decoction of  khadira and amalaki is given to the patient. 1/2 spoonful of the above preparation can be taken twice daily. Oil prepared by boiling gunja is also helpful in treating leucoderma.

Diet : Salt is strictly prohibited in leucoderma. The patient should avoid salt of any form. Spices and any other pungent food should be avoided. Bitter drumstick and bitter gourd are helpful in treating leucoderma.

Don’t expose the patient in direct sun for a long time. Don’t stay awake late in the night.

Ayurved Home Remedies

Ayurvedic treatment for Obesity

Obesity is nothing but the excessive accumulation of fat in the body. In Ayurveda, this is called medaroga. Usually, fat accumulated in the abdomen, buttocks, and breasts. When we have food, during metabolism produces energy and heat. But excessive fat in diet direct body to store for future use and is never used later and gets accumulated on the body resulting on Obesity.

Starch and fat in food which is taken excess than the requirement of the body gets deposited on the body. A Severe problem occurs when the by-product of fat, cholesterol gets deposited in the blood vessels and bring blockade of blood circulation. This sometimes leads to various disease like high blood pressure and heart disease. Excessive fat also impairs functioning of the liver, kidney, and heart which leads to several other fatal diseases. Fat also encourages breathlessness which may lead to asthma.

Ayurvedic Treatment of Obesity: Even before starting any kind of Ayurvedic treatment, patients are advised to do regular exercise. Start with little exercise and can be increased to 1 hr every day gradually. Remember not to do excessive exercise in the day one. Walking for 15 minutes after having food is a good habit. This will help in digestion as well as burn fat.home remedies for obesity treatment

Guggulu is the recommended herb for treatment of Obesity. Guggulu should be purified before giving to the patient or purified Guggulu can be bought from the market for direct use.One gram of Guggulu can be given to the patient four times a day followed by a cup of a hot drink of patient’s choice.

Ayurvedic medicines Navaka Guggulu and Triphala Guggulu can be given to the patients. Four tablets of this compound can be given to the patient four times a day followed by a hot drink.

Diet: As we already have discussed fatty and starchy food is the main reason of obesity, avoid food containing more starch and fat like oily food and sweet food. Rice, potato should be avoided as these contains lot of carbohydrates. Patients can take wheat, barley, and maize. Try to take bitter food like bitter gourd.

Haritaki is a herb of choice for this condition. One teaspoonful of powder of this fruit can be given to the patient at bedtime with hot water.

Avoid sleeping during day time. Do physical exercise. Eat healthy food. Drink sufficient water. Take green vegetables and avoid non-veg food items and leave a healthy life.

Ayurved Home Remedies

Ayurvedic treatment for Piles

Piles is the result of enlarged vein in the anal region. In Ayurveda, this is known as Arsha. There are various reasons like constipation, constantly sitting for a long time on the hard surface, lack of exercise and harmful food habit like food without fiber for piles.

Piles is categorized into two types, namely, bleeding piles and dry piles. In bleeding piles, so much of the blood is bleed that, the patient suffers from anemia. Wind formation in the stomach, loss of appetite, itching in the anus region is often associated with this disease.

Ayurvedic Ttreatment of Piles: Often Nagakesara is recommended by Ayurvedic doctors, especially when this is associated with bleeding. One teaspoon-full powder of Nagakesara is given to the patients three times a day. Haritaki is a useful herb for both dry and bleeding piles. One teaspoon full powder of Haritaki is given to the patients two to three times a day.

Ayurvedic drug Abhayarishta is a widely recommended medicine for this condition. 30 ml of Abhayarishta is given to the patient twice daily after food with an equal amount of water. Kasiaditaila can be used externally, which helps in shrinking piles and cures itching in the anal region. It helps in relieving pain and checks bleeding.

Diet: Avoid any fast food and spicy items. Take foods which are rich in fiber. Barley, wheat, old rice, goat’s milk, brinjal, etc. are recommended food for the patient. Take sufficient water. Little warm water is sometimes recommended. Isobgol husk is helpful in clearing bowl.

Conclusion: Patients shouldn’t suppress natural urges. Avoid riding on the horseback and sitting on a hard surface for a long time. This is a treatable disease, but remember to change fast and harming life style. Add physical exercise in your daily routine. Studies say, proper physical exercise alone can cure most of the disease. Yoga is highly recommended.

Do not forget to read following article on natural home remedies to treat piles https://ayurveddoctor.com/natural-home-remedies-for-treating-piles.html (Natural Home Remedies for Treating Piles)

Ayurved Home Remedies

Ayurvedic Treatment for Cough

Cough is a common health ailment, which usually comes along with the cold. It is commonly known as Kapha(water) disorder in Ayurveda. It is caused by the accumulation of mucus or stimulation on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

In allopathic system medicines tries to suppress cough, but in the Ayurvedic system, medicines try to root out the reason behind the creation of cough. Ayurvedic herbs and spices like cloves, cinnamon, ginger, long pepper, turmeric powders, etc. are used for the treatment of Cough. Equal parts of honey and lemon juice can be given to the patient. It is one of the well tested home remedies for cough. Vasa is a highly used herb in treating Cough in Ayurveda.Herbal wine or jelly is prepared from Vasa and is given to the patient.

Ayurvedic doctors recommend Clove combinations, Sitopaladi Curna, Talisadi Churna to treat Cough. Draksha is also recommened as an effective medicine in Ayurveda to treat Cough.

In fact, Cough treatment begins with diet. Patients should avoid any form of dairy products and other mucous forming food like ice-cream, cold water, fruit juices should be avoided.Hot food and drinks, particularly long pepper, dry ginger are helpful in treating cough.

If yellow phlegm is seen then patient might have a burning sensation in the throat and chest. It sometimes comes with fever, hyper thirst and dryness of the mouth. Mouth tastes bitter and pungent. In this case, Ghee can be used to soothe the throat. Powdered lotus seed help in such complaints. Mulletin, horehound, and coltsfoot are helpful in treating this type of cough. Ayurvedic doctors also recommend licorice combinations.

Another type of cough, is dry cough. In this case, Cough will be frequent, painful and with a particular kind of sound. Patients may complain pain in the chest/heart or a headache is common. Ayurvedic doctors prescribe herbs like licorice, marshmallow, comfrey root, satavari and ashwagandha. Ayurvedic medicines are prepared from the combination of Cardamom, and Draksha to treat Cough.


Ayurved Home Remedies

Ayurvedic Treatment for Urticaria

Urticaria is a skin disorder which is commonly known as Sheeta Pitta in Ayurveda.

Reasons for Urticaria: Intestinal worms, exposure to cold air, repeated bath with cold water, psychological reasons are few reasons because of which patients may suffer from Urticaria. It can be treated as a kind of allergy affecting skin.

Symptoms of Urticaria: Initially patient will experience below-mentioned symptoms before getting reddish patches on the body of the patient.

  • Elevated Thirst
  • Tastelessness
  • Heaviness in the body
  • Redness in the eye.

Afterwards, there can be itching and pain in particular places in the skin along with vomiting(vomiting may not be there in some cases).This usually occurs in cold season after a cold attack.In some of the eruptions on the skin, there will be elevated edges and depression in the center, which might indicate towards digestive disorder.

Ayurvedic Treatment of Urticaria: Turmeric(Curcuma longa) which is commonly known as Haridra in Ayurveda is a very effective medicine for Urticaria condition. You can use it in food items and give it to the patient. It is a mandatory ingredient for Indian cooking. Turmeric can also be taken with milk, sugar and honey.

Ayurved Home Remedies

Goiter- Ayurvedic Treatment

Goiter is nothing but the swelling of the thyroid gland. This is commonly known as Galaganda in Ayurveda.

Reasons of Goiter: As per the modern medical system lack of iodine in food cause Goiter. That is the reason this disease is usually seen in the hilly areas where food items have less iodine content.

Symptoms: Patient notices swelling in the thyroid gland adjacent to the neck. At times, it swells too much and can be seen by the naked eye and causing problems in breathing and swallowing food.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Goiter: One ounce of the decoction prepared from Kanchanara(Bauhinavariegata) is given to the patient along with equal quantity of water to the patient.  In place of above decoction, patient can be given decoction of Varuna(Creataeva Neruvala) can be given to the patient twice daily. Two teaspoonfuls of Kanchanara Guggulu can be taken twice daily with Aragwadarista or Saribadyarista along with water.

External Medication: Leaves of Dhattura mixed with lime and jaggery can be applied on the affected parts Ayurvedic medicine Galaganda Lepa can be applied on the affected glands.

Diet: Patient should take food which can be digested easily and should avoid sour foods. Cauliflower should be avoided during treatment.

Yoga helps in restoring secretion of Thyroxine from the thyroid gland, thereby helping in treating goiter.

Ayurved Home Remedies

Rheumatic Fever- Ayurvedic Treatment

Rheumatic fever and commonly known as Amavata Jwara in Ayurveda is a kind of fever where patients get fever along with swelling and joint pain.

Symptoms: Rheumatic Fever usually comes along with cold and pain in the primary joints like back and knee, elbow, etc. With the rise in temperature, the patient gets pain in joints along with muscles. Loss of appetite, laziness, and loss of taste are few more symptoms in Rheumatic Fever.

Ayurvedic Treatment: As per Ayurveda Rheumatic Fever attack a person because of the imbalance in digestive power in the body. Therefore, Ayurveda suggests toning up digestive system can treat Rheumatic Fever. Usually, Arogyavardhini tablets are prescribed by Ayurvedic Doctors. It can be taken thrice daily along with hot water and honey. Along with this one ounce of Maharasanadi Quatha and 1gm of Yogaraja Churna are also recommended to take thrice a day along with hot water and honey.

Ayurved Home Remedies

Sexual Debility- Ayurvedic Treatment

Sexual debility or weakness is nothing but lack of sexual vitality or inability to perform during the sexual act. Sex is a major act in biological evolution. Without this, it is seen that even a sweet relation between a couple lead to the break.


When a patient suffers from sexual weakness, he/she feels tired, low energy, fatigue, impotence along with the lack of sexual desire and premature ejaculation. Sexual debility also brings nervousness, lack of confidence and lack of concentration.If sexual weakness is not treated for a longer period, it can destroy patients health along with mental happiness there by affecting social life. Many patients complain of a weak kidney, frequent urination along with lower back pain without any back bone damage.Sexual weakness also invites irritation in the behavior of the patient.


Sexual debility may occur due to various reasons like over work, too much of physical exercise and mental pressure, etc. It may even occur if the patient is underweight or a victim of malnourishment where he can’t get proper energy. Even overweight is a primary reason of sexual weakness. Emotional factors like fear, strained relationship are also the major reasons of sexual weakness.

As per Ayurveda, sexual debility in most of the case is the result of excessive sex which results in exhaustion.

Ayurvedic Treatment:

As Ayurveda says, excessive sex might be one of the primary reasons for sexual weakness; patients should stay away from sexual act during the treatment process. Controlling the mind is one of the best solutions to treat sexual debility. Controlled exercise helps a lot in controlling unusual desire. Yoga is considered best for this kind of treatments.

As the lack of energy is one of the primary reasons of sexual weakness, tonification therapy is prescribed by Ayurvedic doctors. The patient can take diary products, ghee, nuts, garlic, onion, shellfish, meat in the diet as these are rich in nutrients and anti-Vata in nature.

Herbs like Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Bala, Cuscuta, etc. are highly beneficial for the patient.Kapikacchu(Mucuna pruriens) is one of the welknown herbs to treat sexual weakness. Aswagandha compounds and Chyavanprash are few Ayurvedic medicines generally prescribed for this condition which can be taken with milk or ghee.

Few western herbs including Saw Palmetto, Comfrey root, and Marshmallow are helpful in sexual debility.