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Treatment for Weak Eyesight in Ayurvedic way

Our eyes are like camera and need to be taken care of. Just as the camera without proper care does not deliver the best performance, same is applicable to an eye. However, there is a replacement for camera but not for eyes. Our eyes focus light from an external source to the retina of the eye and all other apertures like the lens, the pupil and the optic nerve work in coordination with it to create an image in the brain.

What Do You Understand By Weak Eyesight?

In case of any eye disorder or when you are unable to see anything clearly,be it from a distance or from nearby or any lack of coordination is known as weak eye sight. You can also say that when any of the above-mentioned apertures is not functioning properly, it leads to weak eye-sight.

Know the Causes of Weak Eye Sight

Weak eye-sight is caused because of various disorders that are mentioned below:

  1. Eye problem like hypermetropia or long sightedness is a cause of weak eye sight where the patients have difficulty in focusing in nearby objects.
  2. Myopia or short sightedness is another cause of weak sight where the patient is unable to focus clearly on far off objects clearly.
  3. Weak sight is also caused due to refractive errors.
  4. Glaucoma, astigmatism, cataract, etc are also causes of weak eye sight.
  5. Weak sight is also caused due to certain medical conditions like diabetes.

Understand the Symptoms of Weak Eye Sight and Get It Treated

To know whether you have a weak eye sight or anyone, you know check the below mentioned symptoms:

  1. While seeing something, it is not clear and is seen blur.
  2. While reading your eyes are getting strained.
  3. Difficulty in doing work that has minute details like stitching, sewing, etc.
  4. Frequent watery eyes.
  5. Pain and redness in the eyes.
  6. Difficulty in reading.
  7. Complete or partial blindness.

When you see the above symptoms then you need to call for action and get the problem treated as soon as possible. You can take help of Ayurveda for eye sight which has been proved beneficial.

Know How Ayurveda Can Help to Cure Weak Sight

Since ancient times, Ayurveda has been used to heal and cure problems and diseases and it has been one of the oldest ways to treat problems. Ayurveda has no side effects and is 100% safe and have also been proved effective in curing all sorts of problems. Ayurveda uses natural herbs and formulates them in different proportions to prepare medicine out of them. The herbs used in Ayurvedic medicines are known to have high medicinal values which are widely accepted by doctors, scientist and researchers.

Ayurveda brings to you richness of the natural herbs in pure and unadulterated form. Theses herbs when combined in the right ration or taken individually, help in improving your immunity by providing endurance, good health, strength and will.

Ayurveda also helps in curing problems related to weak eye-sight in a natural way and makes your eyes stronger and vision clear. With the help of Ayurveda, you can regain your eye sight and vision and you will not face any difficulty in seeing or reading or doing any activity that strains your eyes.

List of Herbs That Are Used In Ayurveda to Treat Weak Eye Sight

  1. Emblicaofficinalis(Amalaki)
    • Have rejuvenating properties and is a natural antioxidant.
    • Removes free radical from the body.
    • Helps in cell regeneration.
    • Strengthen immunity.
    • Increases body vitality.
    • Helps you in getting glowing and healthy skin.
    • Prevents premature aging and provides beauty and youthful skin.
    • Helps in curing anemia and blood related disorders.
    • Help the liver function properly.
    • By soothing hyperacidity it aids digestion.
    • It helps in boosting your metabolism.
    • It has antipyretic, aphrodisiac, anti-diabetic, cardio-tonic, gastrointestinal and cerebral properties.
    • Helps in preventing premature graying of hair and reduces hair loss and promotes nail and hair growth.
    • It keeps the mouth clean and enhances the eye sight.
    • It nourishes your bone and teeth.
    • It controls blood sugar and keeps the intestine clean.
  1. Terminalia chebula (Haritaki)
    • An important constituent of Triphala with wonderful health benefits.
    • Aids in gastrointestinal ailments.
    • Also helps in diseases like spleenomegaly, tumors, hepatomegaly, anemia and ascites.
    • Effective in anemia when the powder is mixed with ghee or honey.
    • Known for improving memory.
    • It is also salutary in urinary stones and dysuria.
    • Helps in digestion by improving your appetite.
    • Helps in different origins of anemia caused due to hemoglobin deficiency, abnormal form origin and red blood cell deficiency.
  1. Terminalia belerica (Vibhitaki)
    • Another constituent of Triphala with wonderful health benefits.
    • It is an excellent hear tonic with its wonderful action on the heart.
    • Helps in purifying blood.
    • It is a natural blood thinner and removes toxins from the blood.
    • Effective in ailments like low hemoglobin and low RBC count.
    • Helps in anemia of all origin. 
  1. Berberis vulgaris (Bilberry)
    • Anthcyanosides present in the herb helps in strengthening blood vessels and improves blood circulation throughout the body.
    • An antioxidant helps in removing free radicals.
    • The present of high quantity of tannins in the fruit act as astringent.
    • Dry Bilberry fruits help cure diarrhea.
    • Improves the functioning of the heart.
    • Helps in relieving varicose veins, thrombosis and prevents hemorrhoids.
    • Helps in lowering blood pressure by opening blood vessels and acts as vasodilator.
    • Have beneficial effects on eyes.
    • Prevents stroke, angina and atherosclerosis.

        Other Ayurvedic Products That Help In Curing Weak Eye Sight

    • Amlaki Rasayan
    • Amla Saar
    • MAC-D Care Pack
    • Vara Churna

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