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Ayurvedic treatment for Scabies

Ayurvedic treatment for ScabiesScabies is an infectious disease usually known as kachchu in Ayurveda. This is usually caused by parasites and spreads by physical contact.

Usually, scabies affects skin area which is sensitive and sweats prone like female breast area, abdomen, male genital organs under arms and so on.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Scabies:

Purified sulphur(Note that it is purified sulphur, which is non-toxic) is useful in treating scabies. 0.2 gms of purified sulphur can be given to the patients two times a day with honey on empty stomach. this treatment should be done under strict supervision of a qualified ayurvedic doctor. It is observed that purified sulphur is well tolerated by even infants.

If constipation is found, laxatives can be given to clean bowl.Neem leaves are very helpful in treating scabies. Boil few leaves of neem and use that water to affected parts. Neem leaves can be taken internally also. But remember not to overtake as it got side effects if taken in excess.Tender neem leaves are used to prepare pill of peanut size and given to the patient twice a day.

Diet: Sweet and sour food should be avoided during treatment. Pickle, curd are prohibited for the patient.

Exercise like a brisk walk in the morning and evening are helpful in this condition. live a clean life. Wash clothes daily. Don’t others let use patients clothes as this is an infectious disease. Take a regular bath with little warm water mixed with neem leaves.

12 replies on “Ayurvedic treatment for Scabies”

Sir, I have been suffering from scabies since last 25 days. And I have also consulted a doctor for it..But I am not getting any relief yet…PLEASE suggest me any method to cure it….

sir i have itching on my lower hafe body . at night it increase i take scabies lotion and medicin but afer some time it revind plese sujest

sir i have itching on my both side leg back side body . at night it increase i take medicin ring guards but afer some days it revind plese sujest.

Respected sir I am the patients of leg skin psoriasis .A lots of spot and etching at evening time some rim is also on spot .in present time I also suffered from fevour a hard part called(guilty)in my left part of thie kindly tells us what medicine will I can take .

i’ ve been suffering with scabies since 2 and half years tried many medicines and lotions but there is no effect on it ,,,, plz confirm weather scabies can be cured or not ??? i have tried all possible ways to get rid of scabies but there is no use only the thing is itching can be controlled for 1 or two days and after same situation … iam unable to concentrate on anything plz suggest any powerful medicine … for complete cure …

Dear Doctor,
My daughter is suffering from scabies for a long time. She says its itchy and rashes appear. Got Western medicine but it is not cured. Please prescribe some Ayurveda medicine.
Thank you.
Menike Wickramasingha

Hello doctor,
I m suffering from scabies for a long time..I HV tried lot of allopathic medicine but of no use…Can u plz give me some suggestions and medicine to get rid of it…

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