Ayurved Doctor

Ayurved Home Remedies

Diabetes: Ayurvedic Management and Home Remedies

Diabetes is also known as Blood Sugar. In Ayurveda, it’s called ‘Madhumeh’. This disease is very common these days but should be taken seriously with proper precautions else can lead to severe health issues. It affects the usage of blood sugar(glucose) in the body. Glucose is very important for our health as this helps in making up the muscles and tissues in our body. Being an important source of energy it also provides fuel to the brain.

Diabetes is distinguished by its type, but whatever type it is, it always leads to excessive sugar in the blood, which is very dangerous.

Types of Diabetes

Chronic Diabetes

  • Type 1 – In this type the pancreas cells are attacked and destroyed by the immune system.
  • Type 2 – This is seen when more sugar builds up in the blood and the body becomes resistant to insulin.

Potentially reversible Diabetes

  • Prediabetes – This is the early stage of diabetes, which can be cured if proper precautions and appropriate measures are taken.
  • Gestational – This can be called a temporary stage as this happens during pregnancy and can be resolved after that.


  • Too much hunger and thirst
  • Weight loss
  • Fatigue
  • Blurred vision
  • Slow-healing sores
  • Skin infections
  • Vaginal infections
  • Increased Urination

Precautions to be taken

  • Avoid taking an excess amount of sweets.
  • Take more green and leafy vegetables.
  • Do exercise regularly.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Avoid dairy products.

Home Remedies for treating Ayurveda

Treating with Turmeric: Root extract of turmeric is very beneficial for treating diabetes, as it helps in reducing the insulin resistance that leads to increase in the level of blood sugar in the body.

Copper Vessel: Drinking water in a copper vessel is very helpful for the body. In Ayurveda water stored in a copper vessel is called ‘Tamra Jal’. The 3 doshas in the body can be balanced well with this water. Keep water in a copper vessel overnight and drink in the morning.

Methi Seeds: Eating sprouted methi and drinking methi soaked in water overnight is very beneficial.

Bitter foods: Consuming bitter food like, amla, aloe vera, hemp seeds, bitter gourds are very beneficial and helpful in managing diabetes.

Mango Leaves: Powder of dry mango leaves is beneficial. Take 1 tsp of mango leaf powder in a glass of water and drink this daily. This will reduce high blood sugar.

Bitter Gourd: Bitter Gourd juice is very helpful too. Include this in your meal. Also, take 1 tsp of bitter gourd juice, once a day.

Gooseberry: Take 1 tsp of gooseberry juice with turmeric every morning.

Ayurvedic treatment for Diabetes:

Phalatrikadi kwath – Take this with warm water for 7 days (alternate days) – 15-20ml

Ayaskriti – Take this for 3 months – 20 – 30 ml

Shuddha Shilajit – Take this for 3 months with lukewarm water – 500mg – 1g

Triphaladi Churna – Take this for 3 months with lukewarm water or honey – 3g to 6g

Nishamalakaadi Churna – Take this for 3 months with honey – 3g – 6g

Chandraprabha vati – Take this for 3 months with water – 250 – 500mg

Choose Wisely:

Many spices from our kitchen can help you control diabetes. Choose wisely the correct spices. Like, mustard, coriander, cinnamon, turmeric, asafoetida, bay leaf and include them in your meal to manage and control diabetes naturally.

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