Ayurved Doctor

Ayurved Home Remedies

Warts: Home remedies and Ayurveda treatment

Warts are minute skin growth that infects the top layer of skin and thereby enter the body in an area of broken skin. Warts occur unexpectedly and in any place of the skin. Normally in round shape, warts go away on their own within months or years. The common area for warts is hands and the feet.

There are six types of warts according to its shape and place of occurrence.

They are common warts, flat warts, filiform warts, plantar warts, mosaic warts, and genital warts.

  1. Flat warts – This occurs on the knees, face, hands and legs and is flat with the same colour as that of skin.
  2. Common warts: Considered as uneven surfaces of the skin, flat warts occur on hands and knees.
  3. Mosaic warts – They are clusters of plantar warts.
  4. Plantar warts – These kinds of warts form on the soles of feet.
  5. Filiform Warts – They occur near eyelids or the lips and affects mostly on the face part. They are fingerlike and threadlike in looks.
  6. Genital warts – These warts occur on the genitals.

How Does Warts Affect?

According to medicinal theories, warts are generally harmless. Normally all warts heal with time. Generally, warts are removed with ease. But warts have the possibility to grow again.

The general perception about warts is that it poses a cosmetic threat to people. However, Ayurveda has a range of ways to counter warts. According to experts, three doshas cause warts. The dosha is directly connected with the part where these warts occur.

Ayurveda and Warts

Ayurveda has a strong influence in removing warts for centuries. In Ayurveda, herbs are the main ingredient and Kaseesadi Taila is the best component to treat warts. Other treatment methods include the application of herbs with bandages. As per Ayurveda, there are no specific dietary guidelines for the treatment of warts. Here are the few useful herbs for the treatment of warts.

  • Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)

This is one of the most effective herbs to remove warts. Rub dandelion root’s cut end onto the wart so that the milky sap rub on warts. Do it regularly to remove warts.

  • Banyan (Ficus religiosa)

Applying the milky sap of the leaves of a Banyan tree is also effective. It makes the skin smooth and soft, thus letting the wart to fall off soon.

  • Euphorbia (Euphorbia hirta)

Make a paste of Euphorbia plant and apply on to wart skin. The milky juice is good for wart treatment.

  • Rough Chaff (Achyranthes Aspera)

If you rub the ash of the rough chaff over warts it works like wonder for warts removal.

  • Indian Sorrel (Oxalis corniculata)

Another important herb for wart treatment is the leaves of the Indian sorrel. Either you can directly apply a paste of the leaves onto warts or you can also directly apply a poultice of the leaves over warts also helps. Mix this juice with other ingredients for better results.

Home Remedies for Warts

There are several home remedies available for the treatment of warts. A few of the important ones include:

  1. Mix Indian sorrel plant juice with onion juice. The wart falls off in just a few weeks after applying this daily.
  2. Mix Indian sorrel juice with ghee and black pepper. In case the warts are due to biliousness, this medication is useful.
  3. Mix Coriander leaves juice and turmeric and apply it daily.
  4. Peel a banana and keep its inner side on warts. You can tie it like a bandage. It removes warts.
  5. Rub raw potato on the wart at least twice daily for 7 mins.
  6. Castor oil makes warts supple and finally makes it disappear.

Substitute Castor oil with camphor oil.

  • Crush a single clove of garlic. Don’t crush it very finely. Keep this garlic clove on warts. Fix in that position with a bandage.
  • Do a similar kind of bandage with grapefruit juice.
  • Before going to bed, apply the oil of tea leaves onto warts.
  • Rub Indian gooseberry on warts till it is dabbed in its juice. Drops of the juice of Gooseberry can also be added. If there are no gooseberries, Vitamin C tablets can also be crushed and kept on warts.

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