Arka is a perennial shrub which grows up to a height of 2.5 meters and branches as well as sub-branches. The leaves of Arka are simple, subsessile, opposite, cordate at base and are ovate. It contains latex in almost all of its parts. Flowers of Arka are beautiful, in umbellate lateral cymes and are lilac in color. Fruits of the Arka are green with seeds, fleshy follicles and are attached with plenty of white coma.
The plant of Arka vitiates skin diseases, snake poison, inflammation in the joints, tridoshas, and rabies and chest infection. Arka is also a strong purgative drug.
- The plant Arka works as a powerful cardiac stimulant.
- The root and the bark of Arka have numerous health benefits and act as a tonic, diaphoretic, expectorant, purgative and antispasmodic.
- The plant of Arka enhances the secretions of which help in the elimination of biles.
- It is known to treat various skin diseases, abdominal pain, joint pains, and toothaches.
- It also possesses a sedative action on the intestinal muscle fibers such as the rectum and colon thereby reducing irritation pain.
- It is also effective in treating all types of dysenteric disorders.
- Arka also helps in the treatment of syphilis, leprosy and even elephantiasis.
- The herb is also effective in treating several other disorders such as hysteria, epilepsy, fits paralysis and convulsions.
- The juice of Arka has depilatory, emetic, alterative, diaphoretic, acrid and purgative properties.
- The flowers of Arka when taken internally as a tonic stimulate act effectively on the skin and stimulate the capillaries and are helpful in treating leprosy, elephantiasis.
- The tonic made up of flowers of Arka also has useful effects on asthma.
- Milky juice of the plant acts as a gastrointestinal irritant.
There are many benefits of Arka when it comes to maintaining health. However, it is important to note that it is poisonous and should not be consumed by pregnant women.