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Myopia- Ayurvedic Treatment

Myopia is an eye disease seen in a young age where patients find difficulties in seeing objects at a distance.Myopia is also known as short sightedness. Research says this might occur due to the curvature change of the refracting surface of the eye or might be the refractivity problem of the eye.

Concave lens helps in relieving the patients from Myopia, but the user has to use the spectacles for ever.Recent development of laser technology might give patients permanent relief and allow patient not to use spectacles. If a patient is suffering from progressive Myopia, patient’s problem continues to increase though time and force the patient to change lens power as time passes.

Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myopia

As per Ayurveda, if a person is suffering from chronic cold and constipation, he/she is more prone to get Myopia. Nervous system disorder is also known to be one of the reasons for this disease.

In the initial stage, patient experience blurred vision and gradually he finds difficulty in recognizing objects at a distance. Reading for a long time becomes a problem for the patient. Watering from the eye, itching, burning sensation and feeling heavy eyes are few symptoms patient might experience which might lead to a headache and lack of sleep.

Ayurvedic Treatment

Ayurveda says, before even start treating Myopia, the patient is treated with the root cause of the disease like chronic cold and constipation.

Ayurvedic Doctors commonly recommend Triphala for the treatment of constipation; this also helps in providing nutrients for the eyes.One table spoon of the Triphala powder is mixed with a glass of water and kept overnight and in the early morning the water can be taken in empty stomach. Some times it may cause loose motion.Therefore, it is recommended to take regulated amount to have one clear motion in the early morning. This medicine can be taken for 15 days continuously to fight against constipation. Patients are advised to continue even after 15 days to have a significant result on eyes.

Yashti Madhu is another medicine recommended by Ayurveda for the treatment of Myopia. One teaspoonful powder of Yashti Madu is mixed with 1/2 teaspoonful of  Ghee(cow ghee) and one tea spoonful of honey. This medicine is given twice daily in empty stomach.

Saptamrita lauha is an Ayurvedic  medicine available in the market made from above compound, if myopia is the result of nervous debility Saptamrita Lauha is an excellent medicine. In this medicine Triphala, Yashti Madu, Lauha Bhasma, Ghee and Honey are used. Patient can take one teaspoonful of this medicine added with one cup of milk twice daily.

To fight against Progressive Myopia, Maha Triphala Ghrita is recommended. One teaspoonful of this medicine twice daily with milk is prescribed.


Avoid any food that is hard to digest. Any sour, spicy food is strictly prohibited. Take properly cooked and with minimum or no oil and masala(spicy) food. Avoid all fast foods. Cows ghee is a recommended food as it helps in improving eye power. Avoid all fried foods.

General advice : Try to learn relaxing and stop getting anxious about the eye condition getting worse. Don’t let your children fear of their eye conditions. Improve mental strength to learn that it can be cured or progression can be stopped if proper care is taken.There is no ailment/disease in the world which cannot be cured if mind and medicines work together closely to complement each other.

Greenery has an immense real effect on eye and brain as well as on general health. Expose yourself to more and more greenery. Expose yourself to morning sun ray. Start a yoga routine. Eat healthy and avoid alcohol, fried food, excess spicy food and stop eating food from outside eateries.

Never forget to visit a qualified and reputed doctor and take advise. Its worth spending few bucks for an essential part of the body like the eye. Do not be your doctor and take any medicines found on the internet or a book without a physician’s examination/advice. Internet source/books should be treated as a just reference and not as the final prescription and should be treated as general information only. As per Ayurveda each and every body type differs and different medicines should be prescribed for different body type/condition.

121 replies on “Myopia- Ayurvedic Treatment”


Most of the diseases are fully curable, but we need to believe on the system of medicines and believe on our-self that this can be cured easily. Believe can cure your disease 40% free of cost. Rest of the 60% can be cured by proper medication and or physical activities like yoga.

Please visit a nearby ayurvedic doctor for a physical checkup and take medicines and follow other advices as prescribed by him.

Wish you a quick recovery.


I had miopia left eye 3.75 and right eye 3.25 when I strarted with physical exercises for my eyes under supervision of doctor Milan Pavić. His method is based on research of dr. Bates. I have normal vision now ofter 20 years of progresive myopia and astigmatism. so it is posible to restore your vision

Hi Maida,

My daughter is detected for having myopia (-2.75 right eye and -3.0 for left eye. undercorrected power) at the age of 4.5years. I really would appreciate your moral support and guidance to restore or to degrade the possible progression of her myopia. Please let me know the details.


Pls take your child to Matha Ayurveda Eye hospital at Trivendrum Kerala if your child isbbelow 15 yrs of age. There are high chances to cure it completely within a year. My son had 3.25(L) and 3.0(R). After just two weeks of therapy his prescription improved by -1D.

I have high myopia. I have – 18 no. For both eyes.
I have floating problem also. My vision is getting reduce year after year. I’m scaring now for this problem. Doctor suggest me to take ICL operation. But I want to take one chance as a Ayurvedic treatment. Pl suggest me.
I’m 25 years old.
My whatsapp no.is 8275257895 pl suggest.

Hi, please share your contact details @ khushboo2323@gmail.com, I also have similar problem since i was five.-11 and – 12 with cylinderical 6.50, i would like to know if something cured you from myopia.

i have been suffering form myopia.and my lens number is around 2.75. can i cure my eyesite.please suggest me how can i improve it.

thank you

i have myopia. Even my mother n sister also have myopia. Is it curable? Reply me with proper Ayurvedic medicine. I did some eye exercises but i felt burning sensation in my eyes so i left eye exercises. Pls tell me what to do.

i am engineering student of nit patna,my eye sight is very weak i use gass having power of-18.what should i do ? plese reply

Thank you for contacting us.
Is that -18 you told? If yes, this is a big number and should be addressed by a good physician as soon as possible. Ayurveda and yoga do wonders but, might take considerable time in some cases. Please follow the instructions provided in this site, but remember not use any medicine without a proper prescription from a qualified doctor.

Wish you a quick recovery.

Sir iam an engineering student of nit calicut. Iam having myopic eye (.9 and .75). Is there any ayurvedic treatment for complete cure. If yes which institution is the best. Iam from kerala.

Sir Iam a 12 year old student from Palakkad. Iam having myopic eye (-8.5 and -6.5). Is there any ayurvedic treatment for reducing the power. Please Reply

Hi Tom and Joel,

Any diseases can be treated with medicines. Ayurveda and Yoga combination can do wonder, but remember diagnosis of disease and ensuring the body type is the mantra in ayurveda. Ayurveda prescribes different medicines for different body type. All medicines on AyurvedDoctor.com are for reference purpose only and should not be taken with out prescription from a qualified doctor. We will suggest you to visit a near by reputed well experienced(and qualified) doctor and get patient’s body(dosha) checked and get medicines prescribed. further degradation of eye sight can be definitely stopped using proper medicines and adopting yoga regularly.

Wish you both a quick recovery!

hello m deepak n doing bsc from du . i have allergy in eyes from birth . i taking advise and medicine from 10 years from all famous eye doctor in delhi n gurgaon n chandigarh . my eye number is 3.75 in both eyes . without glasses i cant read blackboard .. do i have myopia .. i was advised to take banana nd cleaning eyes with triphla … give me advise

Hi I’m studying Chartered Accountancy and I have been wearing glasses for 10 years. My prescription deterioted from -1.25D to currently -5.5D! I really hate wearing spectacles and I am SO fed up of them!

Your site has given me hope and I’m really interested in more information. My problem is I don’t live in India and I do not have access to Ayurvedic medicines. Will I be able to see any improvements in my eyesight by doing yoga and modifying my diet alone?

My daughter has progressive myopia and has power of -5.5 in both eyes and vision of 6/9. We have been taking treatment of Tarpan and administering the medicines perscribed in this article as per the prescription of a qualified ayurvedic doctor. We are also exercising the eyes per the recommendation of the book mind and vision under a trained trainer in aurobindo Ashram. But so far, we haven’t seen any improvement. Rather the power is increasing @ rate of 0.5 / 3month. One advice is not very clear that whether the patient should wear the spectacles constantly as adviced by the alopathy doctors or not. If she is not able to see distant objects and doesnot wear the specs, is it not likey to strain her eyes further and become the cause of increment of power ?

I am having myopia in both my eyes with power -1.5 and -1.75 in my eyes. I am engineering student at IIT Bombay. I wish to become a pilot in Indian Air Force for which i should have NIL Myopia. Can ayurvedic treatment cure my myopia fully?

my prescription specify -3.5 both eyes……..is that hypermyopia. can i get lasik treatment. or kindly suggest any good ayurvedic practioner in jaipur

I am 31 years old. I had progressive myopia. I had -11 in right and -9 in left eye. I want information about yoga and herbal qure for it

but para medical doctors says it not cured , once the person caused myopia he/ she will not cured … is it true or is it possible to cure the myopa by ayurveda ??????????

I am 24 years old. i having short sight and i am using lens with power -1.5. I am fed up with this. also i cant apply for jobs like army and air force. i am planing for a laser treatment. but i don’t know any of the treatment for myopia. kindly help me

hi, i am a 22 year old computer engineer and our work involves sitting for long hours in front of computer…due to this i have observed a progresive increase in my myopia no. can this no. be reversed by some ayurvedic procedure and spectacles be removed permanently…plz do reply…

I am suffering from a mediam myopia of degree 1-2 can this deficit cure fully…
What medicine is recomanded to cure. It.

i’m 18 years old and suffering from myopia.(-8.5 and -6.5). i would like to get rid of my spectacles through ayurveda…plsss help me…..

hoping for a positive reply very soon……

Sir, I am 19 years old and I’m doing engineering. I’ve -4.5 D lens in both eyes. I am suffering from Astigmatism along with Myopia. My eyesight is diminishing due to the regular use of spectacles. The doctors advised me for LASIK surgery. But people say that it is risky. So, I want to use Ayurvedic medicine. Can Ayurveda cure my myopia and astigmatism?

hii..I am having -4.5 power in both the eyes..i want to get rid of my spects naturally…is triphala powder really works??? will my eyesight be improved by taking this every morning.please suggest me..m really tensed..i only want to increase my eye vision any how..plzz hlp me..

Hi Raksha,

Don’t worry at all. I will suggest you to visit a reputed ayurvedic doctor near your place. There is also a panel of doctors available in ayurveddoctor.com. Please send them message by visiting their profiles. Try to send message to multiple doctors to get quicker response.

Wish you a quick recovery.

my 7yr old son is suffering form low site (-3.5 and -4). my father had a problem of high Myopia and have lost his eye. I fear, the same thing should not happen with my son. kindly help me, what i should do. plz help me. plz

dear sir,
i am from Mumbai. i have impaired vision.my left eye vision is 6/6 normal and right eye vision is high myopic i.e.3 metre.i visited govt hospitals.they said thats its impossible to restore vision.is there any remedy to reduce no.?

sir i m wearing specs for past 10years and my number is -4.25 and want to get rid of it by ayurveda. can u pls suggest me any nedication.


My daughter and son , both born premature had undergone laser and now 1 year old has been told to have girl (-12, -10) and boy (-6, -3.5) power and has been advised to put glasses. Let me know any hospital or any references where I can treat my children.


Hi Raghu….My son is also suffering from high myopia since childhood . Now 4 years of age.did u achieve any improvement from ayurveda in case of your children. Please contact me on my mail ID

My daughter is also myopic, she is 5yrs old,have u tried ayurvedic treatment? Wanted to know if it helped u or not

Hi Ritu ,
i wanted to know the treatment given to your son. My son is also very high mypoic ( Right -8 and left -7) and he is 3.5 years now. Could you please let me know what treatment was given.. eargerly waiting for your reply. My email is is pvinodkumar.psg@gmail.com

Hi Raghu,
i See you have posted this 3.5 years back. So wanted to know the treatment given to your daughter and son. My son is also very high mypoic ( Right -8 and left -7) and he is 3.5 years now. Could you please let me know what treatment was given.. eargerly waiting for your reply. My email is is pvinodkumar.psg@gmail.com

Dear Sir/Madam,

My son has progressive myopia and has power of -11.5 in both eyes and vision of 6/9 and 6/12. We have been taking treatment of Tarpan and administering the medicines prescribed by qualified Ayurvedic doctor at sridaryam at kuthattukulam,Kerala. We are also exercising the eyes per the recommendation. But so far, we haven’t seen any improvement. Rather the power is increasing @ rate of 0.5 / 3month.
He is also wearing the spectacles constantly as adviced by the allopathy doctors. Please let me know any hospital or any references where I can treat my children.


My daughter is just 5 years old, she is having cylindrical power in both her eyes which was found couple of months back. Being small she is not wearing her glasses continuously. I’m extremly worried. I wish a complete cure for her. I planned to take her to Sreedharyam after reading reviews. But your message makes me worry. People says if it is at young age, it can be cured completly. Is that not?
Anyone kindly sugest correct place. I’m in Chennai. Ready to go anywhere and check for her.
Her power is -3.75 and -4.25.
Kindly help me with the inputs as soon as possible.


My son (7 years old) also having similar problem (-4.75 and -5.75). Did you get benefit from any of the treatment.


Please let me know your result of Shreedhriam.
My son have both eyes cylindrical no. He is 13 yr old. Shell i take treatment from Shreedhriam.

Yr comments will help in my decision.


I have heard all good things about Sreedhareyam. Many cases of myopia stabilized after their treatment. If feasible, do give it a try.

For small kids, they grow rapidly till their teenage, so the prescription may get bigger too. So even to arrest the progress is a huge step for these kids.

Hi, please share your contact details @ khushboo2323@gmail.com, I also have similar problem since i was five.-11 and – 12 with cylinderical 6.50, i would like to connect u, we never know we might help each other if you have got some ayurvedic cure. pls suggest if your son is cured, would be a great help.

hello sir,
How r u?

My self ajay, age 25..5 yrs, sir my left eye is -3 and right eye is -4, distance vision,

CASE HISTORY- my eyesight degraded mainly because i avoided wearing glasses since i was 15 years old, at the age of 18 years i had -1.75 and -1.5, thereafter when i was 23 years old my eyesight got reduced to -2.75 and -2.5, and now it is, as stated above.

Sir, i want to join defence services and i require -3.5 maximum eyesight and my left eye being -4 is a hurdle, though i want to get ride of these glasses but that is my second priority,

kindly guide me if there is any sure way to improve my eyesight with in 2-3months, i have full faith in ayurveda, and your awaited reply, i don’t want to mis out my chances to be in defence services, just because of my bad eyesight.

and also guide me wheather i have to wear my glasses regularly of -3 &-4 no. while taking your medicines.

Thanking you,
Yours truly,

Hi Ajay,
Did you find a cure for your Eyesight problem for Defence Services.If yes,please let me know..I would be highly grateful.

Hello sir , I have some query

I m currently taking maha triphalatriphala ghrita along with saptamrita lauh as prescribed from patanjali doctors .

1) Is this sufficient to cure my -2.5 myopia ?

2) can i take yashtimadhu medicine ? If yes how ? How can I take grita and yashtimadhu at the same time during empty stomach ?

3) please suggest something more to cure my myopia completely.

Thank you .Hope u will reply .


My daughter is five years old and using spects since last one and half year. Her minus(-5) as well as cylendrical (-3) power is increasing every 3-4 months.

Please let us know if you have any concrit solution for such problems along with your adreess, contact no., appointment details etc.

Thanks and Regards,


Dear sir,
I am Albin. I am 15 years old. I have myopia -2.5 in both eyes.Now i am wearing spectacles.
Is there any ayurvedic treatment for reducing the power ? I want to get rid of spectacles before the age of 20. I am doing yoga now.Is there any other treatments?

hi sir….i m student who is learning in 11th class…i have spectckle of -3..i cant see objects which are at distance …….i want to join air force…for tat your eyes should be good and sharp…your eyesight should be 6/6….so i want to ask sir whether my eyes are curable or not in six months….?? plz tell me sir…if i do yogas and exercises whether it is curable ???

Hello sir,
i am a student from jaipur and i sellect in indian railway for a job of loco pilot & for this job eye requirement both is 6/6 but my left eye is 6/9 for distance vision and after one month my medical exam. i want to know that in one month use ayurvedic medicen i get my left eye from 6/9 to 6/6 please help me…..
i have only one month for this job……..

Iam 14 years old and have right eye power -1.25 and left eye power -1
Can i cure my myopia in 3 to 4 months with the remedy you suggested?


I have got Myopic CNVM in my both eyes does Ayurveda has any treatment for this disease. Kindly let me know. .
I am 30 yrs old male.


Hi Ankit,
I am 29 Years old and i have myopic cnvm in my right eye for which i had Avastin injections 4 times. It seems stable for the last 1 year but recently i am suspecting something is happening with my left eye.

Would like to be in contact with you since we both have similar eye problem.

Please write me back at : pankaj.arora.iitb@gmail.com.


hi pankaj,
Even m suffering from the same problem of cnvm.
kindly let me know if u have found any other ayurvedic or homeopathic treatment that could work against cnvm.
m also taking injections of avastin for the same.

m having the same problem..kindly let me also know if u find any other treatment other than acstin…i have also taken 3 injections for the same

My son is 7 years old with myopia problem. He wears power glasses -3.00. Can u please help me. I am from Surat (Gujarat)

My son is 2years and 4 months and i detected with high myopia in both the eyes( -8) and (-7).
Doctors say it is because his eye size is bigger than what is supposed to be.Please let me know if something can sure this , since it is a physical thing.
I have utter faith in ayurveda and have seen people with serious illness getting treated.
Please let me know if there is any hope.

Thanks in advance!

Hi Bhawana,
i See you have posted this 2.5 years back. So wanted to know the treatment given to your daughter and son. My son is also very high mypoic ( Right -8 and left -7) and he is 3.5 years now. Could you please let me know what treatment was given.. eargerly waiting for your reply. My email is is pvinodkumar.psg@gmail.com

I am 19 years old and m using spects of power -6 in both eyes. My eyes are degrading day by day. Doctors say tht th only cure for progresiv myopia is spects. Bt i dnt wanna use one. So plz tel me tht cn ayurved cure it ?i wanna increase power of my eye nt th spects. Nw i am livin in kathmandu. Plz help

Dear Sir,
I suddenly found high myopia in left eye of my 8 years child with ( – 9 ) now doctors are saying that it is non curable because it is since birth & could not get recovered. i’m very much worried about my child so please advice me the best.

Thanks & Regards
Gulshan Wadhwa

i like ,this page how can cure myopia by Ayurveda….bcoz im suffering from myopia since 2013. plz give me solution for better ,,,
with regards…….

Hi,I’m 16 years old & studying 1st year PU in Bangalore.I have myopia of -5.75 in both eyes.I completely believe in ayurveda & trying to cure myopia from last year.apart from myopia,i see floaters & flashes in both my eyes,continuosly .I’m doing some eye exercises & mudrayoga daily,but of no help.I protest wearing glasses & don’t wear them always,so that my eyes could learn to look distant objects clearly.please,please,tell me where i could get treatment &suggest some eye exercises .my father is against me as i don’t wear glasses always.i beg you,please,please,help me by suggesting any hospital where i could cure my myopia.thanks in advance.


My son aged 12+ suffering for Mayopia from the age of 4. Now his eyes power are right -15 and left -12…we’r vry much worried about it. Please suggest me for the nessesary steps what shoud I follow……Thank you

i See you have posted this 3.5 years back. So wanted to know the treatment given to your son. My son is also very high mypoic ( Right -8 and left -7) and he is 3.5 years now. Could you please let me know what treatment was given.. eargerly waiting for your reply. My email is is pvinodkumar.psg@gmail.com

At 4 years at what range the eye sight was detected..

Dear Sir,
My Age 25 yrs, Iam a Computer worker. I have -2 (Short Eyesight) Far distance words / things not to see. Ultimately I have not big problem, Some Doctor told You wear glass. Thats why Iam worn glass. First Only little problem. Only far distance words not showing. but now things also not shown, it is blurred vision.
But now Iam Using Triphala rasayana 1 table spoon glass of water. but not kept overnight. suddenly mixed & drink.
And also Chakrapani Saptamrith louha with Honey but not any given result. I am done Exercise also (EYE). What can I do now? Reply me sir.

Thanking You.

Thanks for contacting us, but we strongly suggest not to take any medicine without visiting a doctor. Even Ayurvedic medicines varies depending on body type. Do not forget to visit a doctor as self medication is dangerous. All the information provided here should be treated as reference and not as final prescription.You can even contact a doctor here https://ayurveddoctor.com/search-ayurvedic-doctors-near-you for initial consultation which is free.

My 5 years child is suffering from mayopiya so let me give an yoga or aurvedic treatment reduce her problem

Thanks for contacting us, but we strongly suggest not to take any medicine without visiting a doctor. Even Ayurvedic medicines varies depending on body type. Do not forget to visit a doctor as self medication is dangerous. All the information provided here should be treated as reference and not as final prescription.You can even contact a doctor here https://ayurveddoctor.com/search-ayurvedic-doctors-near-you for initial consultation which is free.

i have been declared unfit for indian air force due to myopia. i have a power of -0.75 in left and -0.5 in my right eye. can it be cured without lenses and lasik.

Thanks for contacting us, but we strongly suggest not to take any medicine without visiting a doctor. Even Ayurvedic medicines varies depending on body type. Do not forget to visit a doctor as self medication is dangerous. All the information provided here should be treated as reference and not as final prescription.You can even contact a doctor here https://ayurveddoctor.com/search-ayurvedic-doctors-near-you for initial consultation which is free.

I am 17 years old I am suffering from miyophia please help me to get normal vision now I have -2.75 & -3.0 please help me

Thanks for contacting us, but we strongly suggest not to take any medicine without visiting a doctor. Even Ayurvedic medicines varies depending on body type. Do not forget to visit a doctor as self medication is dangerous. All the information provided here should be treated as reference and not as final prescription.You can even contact a doctor here https://ayurveddoctor.com/search-ayurvedic-doctors-near-you for initial consultation which is free.

sir,I have suffering from myopia since2008.firstly my both eye power is only -0.25D.but now aday by it increase.present my both eyes power is-2.00D.so please suggest me to cure my eye deases.

Thanks for contacting us, but we strongly suggest not to take any medicine without visiting a doctor. Even Ayurvedic medicines varies depending on body type. Do not forget to visit a doctor as self medication is dangerous. All the information provided here should be treated as reference and not as final prescription

Sir,I am suffering from myopia left eye (-1.75) & right eye( -2.00).I want to joinNDA 2016 .So please please reply to cure from myopia.Don’t, say to suggest ayurvedic I want to get answer from u sir please reply…

i am from mysore,karnataka.i am wearing spectacles from the past 4 years. it started with -1.5D in both eyes. but now it is -3.D. i am passionate about joining the armed forces. i visited dobctor (AIIMS} .he suggested me to get lasik. i am 1998 born{15th july}. and NDA entry doesnt allow LASIK.
the minimum requirement for army is -2.5D and 6/9 IN THE WORSE EYE AND 6/6 IN THE good eye with or without glasses. i am now 6/24 withput glasses. sir i request u to kindly guide me on what to do. ?

Dear sir,

I am 27 years old and I have a high power in only right eye which is -4.5 and the left eye is -0.5. I have got beautiful eyes and i hate to wear glasses. I wear contact lenses and i feel much better, I want to get rid of this problem. I read lot of books and embroidery, since my eye power is so high i feel so uncomfortable. Can you please help me get this cured? I would wait for your response. Please do the needful.Thanks much!

I am 47 years female, my power is -10 n long sight lightly, what is the best medicine n best option to reduce my power

Myopia is not because any nerve problem. Eye is simply adapting to near working requirement. In other words, adapting to focus near objects. Myopia progress further because of the use of corrective lenses for close work. Glasses brings the image of the object further closer to the eye, forcing the eye to adapt further. This leads to elongation of eye ball and finally leading to rectina damage. For young, eye adapts faster. That is why myopia stabilizes are older age.

my eyes getting worse gradually now it is -18 @right eye and -3@left eye. i gone through every prescription made by Dr’s except AYURVEDA but it is still progressing…VOIDS is developing in cornea which is scaring for me….i’ve gone through GREEN LASER in my right eye in order to stitch that voids..now it is also developing in my Left eye…..if anyone has any kind of suggestion regarding these than pls mail me….i’m 21 year old
mail:- rohitsingh.0v@gmail.com

thanks in advance

Hello sir I am suffering from Myopia -2.5 in both eyes . Is there any possibilities to cure this power and relieve me from this spectacles . Im in near by Coimbatore so please refer some ideas to fullfil my wish

My name is Shikhar and I am from Noida.
I am suffering from eye floaters with flashes of light in my both eyes. This problem got arise after when I had gone through Laser treatment on my eyes because I was having some weak points on retina and one eye having retinal holes. I go through this treatment on Last 2008 and floaters started in Feb 2009 and its keep on increasing.

Recently last month when I visited to Ophthalmologist, Doc told me Posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) is having on my eyes and more floaters and flashes will be generated on my eyes and once PVD completed on my eyes, floaters will be diminish or disappear. Doc is advising that there is no treatment for PVD and nothing can be done for that. Its a natural aging process and some cases it got generated early like eye hurt or some operation. I am 33 yrs old now.

Please let me know, if there is any treatment in Ayurveda that can do something for PVD.

Your reply is appreciable.

Hi, there is a treatment for this condition in Sri lankan medicine. I have the same problem and doctors told me there is not treatment for this condition. So i visited to an sri lankan doctor (weda mahaththaya) who lives in Panadura, Sri Lanka. He is the best and his medicine are totally free, you are welcome if you wish to donate. Please contact me on sadahamrc@gmail.com for more information

Hi my daughter 8 yr consuming fennel almond mishri equal quantity for 4 month but no result in eyesight .her number is -2 both eyes . what to do?

Sir I have 2years of eye floaters and flashes diseases..
In this disease are curable or incurable.

I am 16 years old and i have myopia(-2 and -1).
Can this be cured completely by ayurveda ?
How long will it take ?
Please answer…

Dear sir I’m from sri lanka and I’m 20 years old.I was suffering from myophea since 3 years.I want to get rid from it as soon as possible.Can you plese tell me the way to consult a sri lankan doctor?Can it corrected by here?

Im suffering from myopia from7 years now my power is-4.50 both eyes I want to get rid of spects naturally can u please suggest me the treatment of this now I’m 18 yes old.

What is your age currently.. when you first detected the eye sight what was the range detected.. what treatment you have taken till now to control it.

It’s been almost 10 years that I had Lasik.My prescription prior to the surgery was -4.75L & -5.0R. I also had tried the various forms of Pranayam preached by baba Ramdev and followed him relegiously before the surgery but it doesn’t make my myopia any better.
Now even after Lasik I have -0.75 power in bother you eyes and night time probles like glares, starburst and halos.

Hello Doctor …I am 28 years …I have my power 7 myopia … In which I had the same 7 power before 1 year ….I was frightened of lasers ..I want to get rid of my glasses and contact lenses ….please Give a opinion of completely curing my eyes with out power by ayurvedic treatment…..

I have myopia of -5.5 can it be cured through ayurvedic treatment and how much time it will take plz talk me on my e-mail plz

Hi My daughter (3.5 Year old) do have Myopia -13 (both eye). Please suggest some good Yoga exercise and medicine.

My name is prashant pandey i am high myopia pateint. My right eye -21 &My left eye is opreated in 2015 retina detachment in aiims Delhi. Please help mein sir please save my right eye.

My daughter has – 4.75( left eye) and 4.50( Right eye) . Please let me know if Ayurvedic treatment rectifies her eyes? she is 10 years old.

My son who is 4 years recently diagnosed with cone dystrophy.Doctor says it is genetic and is not curable. Can you guide us is there medicine in ayurved which can be prescribed for him…

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