Ayurved Doctor

Home Remedies

Home remedies for Piles

What is Piles?

Piles, also referred to as hemorrhoids is expanded, painful veins in the rectum. It is a condition in which there is an inflammation and swelling of veins present around the lower rectum or anus. Piles can be internal as well as external. Internal hemorrhoids cannot be seen unless they are severe whereas external hemorrhoids can be seen. Though it is not a serious condition, it can embarrass and make you feel uncomfortable.

Causes of Piles:

Piles can be caused due to a chronic condition of constipation. Besides this, aging, pregnancy, hereditary factors, and a low fiber diet can also lead to piles. If you are also gasped with piles, then there is no need to worry as there are several home remedies that help to cure piles.

Home remedies for piles:

  1. Crush leaves of bitter gourd and take out the juice and then add some buttermilk to it. Drink this mixture early in the morning for one month. This is one of the best home remedies for piles.
  2. Drink a full glass of buttermilk with two teaspoonful of carom seed powder. Add a pinch of salt too for taste. This is one of the proven home remedies for piles.
  3. Take 1tsp of cumin seeds and roast them. Then take 1tsp of unroasted cumin seeds and make a powder of it. Put this powder in a glass of water and drink at least one time a day. This helps to cure piles.
  4. Take 2-3 pieces of figs and put them in water and soak them overnight. Eat them early in the morning and do this again at night before going to bed. This is also one of the best home remedies to cure piles.
  5. Take one ripe banana, mash it and then add it to one cup of milk and then drink this mixture at least 3-4 in a day and see how it helps to cure piles.
  6. Take an onion and add some sugar to it. Eat this at least twice a day. This is the best home remedies especially for piles that lead to bleeding.
  7. Drink half cup of radish juice early in the morning as well as at night. Do this for one month.
  8. Avoid eating spicy and heavy foods which are not appropriate or suitable for your system.

Follow these home remedies and get rid of piles effectively.

8 replies on “Home remedies for Piles”

Thanks for contacting us, but we strongly suggest not to take any medicine without visiting a doctor. Even Ayurvedic medicines varies depending on body type. Do not forget to visit a doctor as self medication is dangerous. All the information provided here should be treated as reference and not as final prescription.You can even contact a doctor here https://ayurveddoctor.com/search-ayurvedic-doctors-near-you for initial consultation which is free.

Thanks for sharing such an informational blog.The blog gives information about the causes of piles and the home remedies to treat piles.This blog will be very helpful to many people who are suffering from piles

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