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Home remedies for Bad Breath

What is Bad Breath?

Bad breath, scientifically called as halitosis is a condition in which there is a continuous unpleasant bad odor. The most common indication of bad breath is when you find your own breath odorous whenever you blow your palm or keep a napkin and smell.

Causes of bad breath:

Bad breath is mainly caused when there is a breakdown of proteins brought out by the bacteria in the mouth. Intake of various foodstuffs such as onion, cheese, garlic and orange juice also cause bad breath. Eating tobacco and smoking are also one of the leading causes of bad breath. Apart from these, throat infections, intestinal worms, dental decay, gum diseases, constipation are also responsible for bad breath. If you have just now noticed that you are also suffering from bad breath then don’t feel embarrassed, as there are many home remedies that help to get rid of the stinking smell coming out of your mouth.home remedies for bad breath

Home remedies for bad breath:

  1. Always chew mint leaves. This is a simple home remedy as it freshens up your breath
  2. After every meal, brush your teeth. This will prevent bad breath.
  3. Chew at least one piece of clove after every meal.
  4. Tea made from the leaves of fenugreek is the most efficient natural remedies for bad breath.
  5. Avoid mouthwashes such as those made from alcohol and dyes as their effect in reducing bad breath lasts only for short period.
  6. To sweeten your breath, chew cardamom seeds. This is because; cardamom seeds contain an aromatic flavor which acts as a freshener.
  7. Rinse your mouth with lemon water. This is one of the best home remedies that cure bad breath.
  8. Eat foodstuffs that are rich in zinc as it prevents bad breath as well as regulates the growth the anaerobic bacteria in the mouth.
  9. Eating parsley is also a good option as it also fights bad breath.
  10. Drink pineapple juice as it purifies the mouth.
  11. Before brushing teeth, if possible rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide.
  12. Eat apples as they purify your mouth by removing the bacteria which cause bad breath.
  13. Consumption of yogurt for a couple of months can help you to get rid of bad breath completely.So now don’t feel embarrassed to attend social events because of bad breath. Just any of the above-mentioned home remedies and get rid of bad breath easily and permanently

7 replies on “Home remedies for Bad Breath”

Its hard to avoid cheese or garlic.I like them to much to avoid.I guess quick remedy like mint leaf is good.thanks anyway.

I have bad mouth smell since few yearr on and off ..butpresently it is there sinsce 10 days…if i keep calm observing my breath it will reduce …pl do help me in knowing the cause for this bad smell…

I have mouth bad smell……in last 4 years…..i ….physically & mentally affect(fear) in social relation….i think my tongue is problem. Or my stomach…..mostly my tongue is not in…..normal condition….any time some bacteria…..some times my mouthis…….toilet smell….and also i think stomach problem……i think….attempt sucide…pls help help me..plz

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