Babies usually start to teeth after completing six months of age. Teething babies generally become irritable and cries a lot. This is because when the tooth comes out of gum, it causes tremendous pain and inflammation.
Teething babies also show other symptoms like loose motions, swollen gums, drooling etc. There are a number of ways that can be used to soothe your baby’s pain and reduce the inflammation. Some effective home remedies for teething babies are mentioned in this article- have a look!
- Vanilla extract: Rubbing vanilla extract on the gums of your baby using fingers will not just soothe inflammation, but also lessens the pain and discomfort in an easy way. You can use this remedy as many times in a day, but avoid rubbing too much vanilla extract.
- Carrots: Carrots are healthy and hard to chew. One should avoid buying chewing toys or teethers for babies and provide them this healthy option. Moreover, it will last long being hard in nature and your baby will munch on it for a longer period.
- Cold treatment: Giving your baby something cold to chew will not just soothe the pain but also provide relief from inflammation. Ice can be used if your baby isn’t suffering from any illness. Even freezing banana or chilled teething toy can be used for the same purpose. The cold treatment will amazingly heal the pain in the tooth as well as keep your baby busy for some time.
- Almond extract: Using diluted almond extract over painful gums helps in giving tremendous relief from inflammation and ache in case of teething babies. Even if you do not wish to dilute it, you can use it as it is because the amount of alcohol present in it is totally safe for your baby. Rubbing almond extract is fully healthy for your baby and won’t cause any type of side effects.