In continuation of our two previous articles, Nature Cure or Naturopathy – An Introduction to Principles and Practices – Part II and Nature Cure or Naturopathy – An Introduction to Principles and Practices – Part II, we present here more detailed explanations of the principles and practices of nature cure or naturopathy. Practitioners of nature cure or naturopathy strongly believe in body vitalism, a principle which maintains that the guidance of all body processes like human metabolism, growth, adaptation and reproduction is by a special energy, which they term as vitalism, vital force or vital energy. The approach of nature cure is a holistic one with non-invasive treatments and therapies for most physical disorders and afflictions, with very minimal usage of drugs, medications and/or surgical procedures.
It is very easy for the human body to recover from any physical affliction by using natural elements, resources and methods, such as fresh air, clean water, sunshine, properly planned and prepared nutritious diets, exercises, constructive or positive thinking, correct mental attitudes, scientific relaxation of body and mind, prayer and meditation, which have the power to help humans maintain a sound body and a sound mind. As mentioned earlier, all forms of diseases and disorders occur due to one major cause, namely, the accumulation of toxins, bodily refuse and waste materials in the body. The body of a healthy human has the ability to remove these hazardous toxins and waste materials from the human body system through the various organs of elimination, such as liver, spleen, kidneys, bowels and skin.
In fact, most, if not all acute and common diseases like colds, fevers, digestive disturbances, inflammations, skin eruptions, etc. are always self-initiated efforts by the body to throw away the accumulated toxins and waste materials. When these acute diseases are kept in a state of continued suppression through seemingly harmless, but deadly methods like drugs, narcotics, vaccines, antibiotics, gland extracts, unnecessary or undesirable surgical methods, etc., these acute diseases become even more hazardous. They lead to other chronic diseases like diabetes, heart diseases, kidney disorders, asthma, rheumatism, etc. Hence, the only logical option to cure acute and chronic diseases and keep the body in a healthy condition is to employ only those methods that can allow the body system itself to throw away these accumulated toxins and waste materials on its own, with minimal non-invasive intervention. Nature cure offers these methods in the most effective manner. This remains a natural and regular process in healthy persons.
However, in the case of a person afflicted with a disease before these materials have been removed from the system, they start piling up in the body. The effects may be visible within a very short period in some persons but it may take several years to manifest openly in many others. The rate of accumulation of the toxins, waste materials and bodily refuse to depend on the level of faulty living or undesirable lifestyles. The individual amounts of wrong food habits, improper body care, various habits like smoking, drinking and drug abuse, wrong and negative attitudes, thoughts and behaviors like anger, depression, stress, anxiety, fear, overwork and worry, other types of excesses, lack of adequate physical exercises or physical activities, etc. that contributes to enervation or nervous exhaustion in an individual, determining how fast or how slow the effects of these hazardous materials cause serious damage to the afflicted person.
The above prime cause of body disorders make it very clear that the only effective solution for such afflictions is to ensure the quick and regular removal of these wastes from the body before they cause irreparable damage to the entire body system by activating the germs, bacteria and viruses that live in a dormant state in the body. Modern science and conventional medicine may refuse to accept the basic fact that the human body contains an elaborate but highly complex healing mechanism of its own and this healing mechanism has the power to restore normal health condition in the human body system. This aspect and other issues related to naturopathy will be discussed in detail in our next article, Nature Cure or Naturopathy – An Introduction to Principles and Practices – Part IV.