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Ayurvedic Treatment for Urticaria

Urticaria is a skin disorder which is commonly known as Sheeta Pitta in Ayurveda.

Reasons for Urticaria: Intestinal worms, exposure to cold air, repeated bath with cold water, psychological reasons are few reasons because of which patients may suffer from Urticaria. It can be treated as a kind of allergy affecting skin.

Symptoms of Urticaria: Initially patient will experience below-mentioned symptoms before getting reddish patches on the body of the patient.

  • Elevated Thirst
  • Tastelessness
  • Heaviness in the body
  • Redness in the eye.

Afterwards, there can be itching and pain in particular places in the skin along with vomiting(vomiting may not be there in some cases).This usually occurs in cold season after a cold attack.In some of the eruptions on the skin, there will be elevated edges and depression in the center, which might indicate towards digestive disorder.

Ayurvedic Treatment of Urticaria: Turmeric(Curcuma longa) which is commonly known as Haridra in Ayurveda is a very effective medicine for Urticaria condition. You can use it in food items and give it to the patient. It is a mandatory ingredient for Indian cooking. Turmeric can also be taken with milk, sugar and honey.

Ayurvedic medicines like Arogyavardhini Rasa, Suthashekara Rasa, Kamadhugarasa are recommended by doctors, to treat Urticaria. A patient can take medicines mentioned above with honey.

Triphala tablets can be given to the patient at night before going to bed, to help a clear bowel. Even it is seen that buttermilk is an excellent home remedy for Urticaria. If patient diet on buttermilk alone without any medicines for 1-3 days Urticaria can be treated.

Mustard oil can be used externally on the affected parts.

Dite: Patients are advised to avoid any sour, salty and pungent food. All kind of bitter vegetables are helpful in treating Urticaria. Doctors recommend to take plenty of fresh buttermilk.

Rock salt mixed with mustard oil can be applied on the patient body and take a sun bath for some time. Hot water bath is advised afterwards. Don’t expose the patient to cold air. Green gram powder can be used instead of soap.

83 replies on “Ayurvedic Treatment for Urticaria”

hello sir/mam,
i am suffering by urticaria ( pitta )since 18yrs ., i have been treated by near abt 20 doctors in those days, including 4 ayurvedic doctors . i have been intaking cetrizine, atarax, avil for several years but get only timebeing relief, i have taken prolonged ayurvedic treatment which included sutshekar rasa, arkaneem ,kamadugha rasa, allerclin, avipattikar churna, many powder combinations given by my naturopathy doctor as well as maha-tikta ghruta, panch-tikta ghruta, rakt-shodhak ka

Hey i would like to share something with people who is suffering from Urticaria. Even i am also suffering from Urticaria.
i have noticed that in Medical science there is no cure for this disease except Steroid. which may cause other several problems like discomfort in breathing, Weight gain etc.
just stop all the medications. just take 1-2 tsp Turmeric in milk and add honey instead of Sugar. it will really help you to get rid of this problem.

this will not even help you to get rid of Urticaria even from other small small problems. and do not depress just have faith and positive approach that yes that i will be fine .

thank you for your suggestion mr. kaur

I am suffering from hives since last 3 months citrizune zertac & fexominne hcl 180mg not helping me 100% even I took those tablet everyday for 30days. witll follow now only ayurvedic turmeric rather than western medicine.

I am suffering with urticarial for last 3 months. I have taken cetirizine,allegra. it dint help. now, I am undergoing ayurvedic treatment, about to get a panchakarma treatment, let me see whether it helps me or not, will keep you posted. please contact me @protickmondal1993@gmail.com in facebook.

Dearsir ,your urticaria cured by ayurveda medicine. Can take how much days pleas tell me.I (since 2 years)will also suffering from urticaria with very badly. I will also taking panchakarma therapy,and ayurvedic medicine last7 months it’s cure permanently
Please reply me. Thank u.

Hey ranveet…im also suffering urticaria n im very depressed coz i hv advised many dr. Bt it dint work…is turmeric n milk really work in it??

Hi, i am also suffering form Urticaria since 6 years but i am consulting Homeopathy,Alopathy,and also Ayurvadic medicines Till we are suffering this problems,

Try out Kynotomine tablets from J & J DeChane Laboratories. I was suffering from the problem. Six years and 25 doctors later I was advised by a vaid to take 6 tablets per day of this medicine. In 10 days 25% improvement and three weeks later am normal.

I’m suffering from urticaria since 4 years
Nothing seems working except cetzine tablets
Yet to try Ayurveda
Pl suggest

Thank you solanki Ji
Pls tell how these tablelte take before meal or after meal . I am also suffering urticaria from 6 month but no cure with ayuvadick or hemopatich medicine.I start alopatic medicine of anti histmanie medicine but after all timing sleeping mood

Hello…plz tell me the adress of dis vaid coz im also suffering from it…n from where i cn get dis medicin plz reply me..

Does or Can taking the medicine ” Kynotomine ” make thyroid level to increase ?

Any side effects?

Please let me know

Thank you

Mine is for 10 years. Started taking Kynotomine yesterday. How long should I continue taking? Any other things to be taken care of?

I am suffering for the past 11 years. Please let me know the contact number and name of the doctor. I am desperate.

Medicine is available online from DeChane.com website. I took for close to 2 months but couldn’t find any improvement. May be you can try.

dear mam, i m suffering from urticaria from last 1 months.. i m taking 2-3 ayurvedic tablets and also poweder but its not so good bz it get some small bit relief, also i m taking citrizen and avil tablet …
what should i do??

But which ancient medicine Dr.? And where it can be available?
I have been suffering by the same for last 1 year.
Please help me Dr.

my close relative is suffering from chronic cold Urticaria since last few years and I am looking forward for some kind of permanent cure via Ayurveda and Yoga.. It will be great if you can provide me with some kind of way to cure this ..


My mother in law is seems to suffer from Urtricaria. she get red spots when she in cold or hot place . earlier she get relief from avil but now this medicine even not works. she also took Triphala tables but nothing works.
she suffer from 1 year.please suggest what to do. earlier the spots display are in small size and usually goes after medicine. but now they are constantly available from many days.


my mother is suffering from uritcaria…she had it before but it stopped.
then recently she started spotting symptoms of it again and is again suffering from uritcaria. Please suggest some method as she has already taken many medicines.
thank you.

Take 1 spoon turmeric powder 3 times a day with milk.. and if u want homeopathic treatment than go for homeopathy medicine Urtica urens 30 potency take 10 drops for 3 times a day. it will take long time to cure ur problem.

my present age is 30 & i am suffring from urticaria about 12 years . in winter i face extrimelly defficulties due to this problem. …. please …………….please Give me. solution for this problem.

HI i am vijay from Mumbai

from last one year i am suffering from urticaria. i consult more than 4 doctors on which they suggested me take several medicine like Allegra 120 and so but it did not work… I had also taken ayurvedic medicine like haridrakhandh but nor this is help to cure my problem… my sincere request to all of you kindly advice as it is very inconvenient for me…….

i am also suffering from Urticaria. But i am using amla (gooseberry) juice with Luke warm water empty stomach after waking up and before going to toilet every day and it’s really helpful than any other antihistamine tablet treatment. Please use it and share the benefits with all.

Allopathic medicine Teczine 5 mg each at night had given me immediate relif thoughout the day. even once in two days I used to consume the same. I am not sure about its side effect. so i stopped the same.Later i started with ayurvedic medicine with the advisce of doctor as guloochyadhi kashaya(articaria is know as sheeta pita in ayurveda ashtangahridaya) Now i have not much problem

Hey..I too was suffering from this.. But I have recovered successfully.. I can tell you what i did to recover..i stay in noida

Kynotomine tablets help. I am writing this message bcoz I got relief from this medicine. Very economic also cost 1 Rs per tablet.

please give ur no i am also suffering with pressure urticaria from 5 month many aaurvadik medicine like Divya vati,Haridra khand,Neem vati,Arogay vatti,Kisor gugal & Many hemopatic doctor try but no relief from these please help regarding ur medicine

Sumit Kumarji, I am also suffering from chronic urticaria. Kindly tell me what you did to recover completely from this horrible disease. Pl.help me.

Hiii i m suffuring urteceria for last 6 mth. No medicine helpfula for urteceria except steriod for me. Pls suggest me how u remove dia deaseae pls reply

Best apply “BR Marichyadi taila” on the location simple, plus Apis mellifica 30 (homeopathy) – one drop if in liquid 4 pils if in pills


Dear Sir,
I’m 34 yrs old male. I work in the night for last 3yrs. I’m suffering from Sheeta Pitta past 3 months. I’ve consulted 10 skin specialist but in vain. If I eat non veg or any fried Stuff I get skin rash on my body. I Was taking Vota MD and Alaspan for the same but now I’ve opted for Ayurveda. I’m taking Yograj Gogol, vatvidhvans rad, haridrakhandpak, n avipatrikar churna. Pls suggest if I’m on the right track or should I reconsult the doctor for the same? How much time will it take to cure this and also pls tell me what I should eat and what not?

Thanks for contacting us, but we strongly suggest not to take any medicine without visiting a doctor. Even Ayurvedic medicines varies depending on body type. Do not forget to visit a doctor as self medication is dangerous. All the information provided here should be treated as reference and not as final prescription.You can even contact a doctor here https://ayurveddoctor.com/search-ayurvedic-doctors-near-you for initial consultation which is free.

Even i am suffering from Hieves (Urticaria). I have almost changed 4-5 doctors but still not being able to get rid of this allergy. I have taken so many differnet medicines like Allegra, Alaspan, Zintac, Rantac, Citgell, Wyzolone 10 and a few more which were recomended by different doctors.
But no cure till date. I have been living on Roti and vegetables from past 2 months. I have stopped eating anything flavoured, All kinds of pulses and Dal as adviced by several doctors. I am tired of choosing wht to eat and what not.
Please some one suggest a proper cure if possible…

Thanks for contacting us, but we strongly suggest not to take any medicine without visiting a doctor. Even Ayurvedic medicines varies depending on body type. Do not forget to visit a doctor as self medication is dangerous. All the information provided here should be treated as reference and not as final prescription.You can even contact a doctor here https://ayurveddoctor.com/search-ayurvedic-doctors-near-you for initial consultation which is free.

my son whose age is 14 yrs now.he is suffering from urticaria when he was 4 yrsold. now initially i m giving him atrax .but his condition is deteriorating. as per peoples advised i m giving him panchnimbadi vati two tab. three times a day. but after 4-5days i hv to give him atrax tab. also to; control his itching and rashes all over his body. pls advise me

hi Admin,

I am suffering from chronic urticaria from past 4 year. consulted 4 doctors. taken so many medicines, but did not found a permanent solution. Recently consulted a Doc and after seeing the past medications which i have took he suggested to take ELINA 10mg tablet and some acidity tablet. Also told to do some blood test for allergy and thyroid. All allerdy test and urine test results come normal but TSH was 6.8mcIU/ml. A physician said to do thyroid preoxidise antibody test and results come 355mcIU/ml.

Suggest me is thyroid problems create chronic urticaria?

WHat is the permanent solution for it?

Hi Sumit Kumar,

Kindly let all of us know what did you do to recover from urticaria as I have been suffering from the disease since 5 yesrs.

I have tried ayurvedic, allopathy and homeopathy but did not get any relief. I has badly affected by work life as I coudn’t sleep whole night.

Dear Sir,
I had suffered by severe chronic urticaria . I remember started from the age of 12 yrs frequently ( once in 6 month) suffered by pittas on my body.
I had taken ayurvedic, Allopathy , Homeopathy treatmnet from doctors .
I got little bit rest but again after a year it will raise again.
I had made several blood test …but of no use.
Pls guide for diet i have to take…n what food i hav e to avoid.

Pls help me …… for right tretmant n fast relief.

Dear sir/mam,
i am suffering by urticaria last 5years ., i have been treated by near abt 8doctors in those years, . i have been intaking cetrizine, atarax, ivepred,avil,Montlucast for several years but get only timebeing relief,now I have nothing to eat, 85% food allergy have eat any kind of food will coming bubble like red rashes and pain also, dear sir I am very disappointed, how can I over come the current situation . I don’t know sir . So Please help me sir .actuly I can’t eat anything ..
Thanks& regards

I m suffering from urticaria from last 3 Months.and taking Cetrizen daily.but w/out tablet .problem goes same.so tell me.what i have to do now?

Sir, im suffring chornic urtecria seens 3 years, many time rashes, swelling lips,face, taking aayrogvati,lahusuthshekar, homeopathic, tell somting parmenf solutions

I m suffering from urticaria from last 6 months. Rashes ans red patches comes at evening and remains till night only. The itching becomes intolerable. Pls suggest something. I stay at Noida.

I am suffering from urticaria past 1 year,solanki ji plz tel me tab kynotomine where it is available ?& dosage

Hi !! i have been sufferring from Urticaria for long years. For a few years in between, the problem was resolved through Homeopathy. Now I am facing the same again. Has anyone solved the problem successfully ? please advice

Hi Himanshu, what is the quantity of juice that u take and if the juice is not available, can I take amla powder? If suggest the quantity also tell me can I take it in the evening also.

In this blog itself so many people suffering with urticaria including me. Can any one suggest which is the ultimate & permanent solution which u got benefit out of it..

Yr mera urticariya phelai bhouth bar gya tha aap try kigiye biogest histidine urtiplex gandhak trifla hemloclean araqmusafikhoon

Use these medicines, they will help you.. Biogest (from Kerala), histidin (from Kerala), urtiplex, hridyakhand, gandhak rasayan, triphala, araq musafiq khoon, divya kayakalpvati, radona, punarnavarishta, hemoclean sandu company

I take allergix tablets and it helps. Take it if you know it’s going to be a hot day and you are going to be exposed to heat. Also take it if you are stressed as anxiety also causes the hives to flare up.

Muze 3yr se urticaria hai 8/9 Dr se treatment li kuch bhi Aaram nahi aurvedic homeopathy allopathy sab kuch liya temporary aaram hota hai allagra120 tab leta hu bahot dpress hu plz confarm illaj bataiye 9922280289 vishaal

I started suffering from urticaria 9 months back . Tried all sorts of anti histamine allopathic medicines but got only temporary relief.
Now I am taking Ayurvedic medicines and undergoing Panchakarma and it’s a big relief.
Medicines prescribed are Arogyavardhini Vati, Lagnusootshekhar ras, Raktadoshantak vati and gulkand.

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