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Ayurvedic treatment for Piles

Piles is the result of enlarged vein in the anal region. In Ayurveda, this is known as Arsha. There are various reasons like constipation, constantly sitting for a long time on the hard surface, lack of exercise and harmful food habit like food without fiber for piles.

Piles is categorized into two types, namely, bleeding piles and dry piles. In bleeding piles, so much of the blood is bleed that, the patient suffers from anemia. Wind formation in the stomach, loss of appetite, itching in the anus region is often associated with this disease.

Ayurvedic Ttreatment of Piles: Often Nagakesara is recommended by Ayurvedic doctors, especially when this is associated with bleeding. One teaspoon-full powder of Nagakesara is given to the patients three times a day. Haritaki is a useful herb for both dry and bleeding piles. One teaspoon full powder of Haritaki is given to the patients two to three times a day.

Ayurvedic drug Abhayarishta is a widely recommended medicine for this condition. 30 ml of Abhayarishta is given to the patient twice daily after food with an equal amount of water. Kasiaditaila can be used externally, which helps in shrinking piles and cures itching in the anal region. It helps in relieving pain and checks bleeding.

Diet: Avoid any fast food and spicy items. Take foods which are rich in fiber. Barley, wheat, old rice, goat’s milk, brinjal, etc. are recommended food for the patient. Take sufficient water. Little warm water is sometimes recommended. Isobgol husk is helpful in clearing bowl.

Conclusion: Patients shouldn’t suppress natural urges. Avoid riding on the horseback and sitting on a hard surface for a long time. This is a treatable disease, but remember to change fast and harming life style. Add physical exercise in your daily routine. Studies say, proper physical exercise alone can cure most of the disease. Yoga is highly recommended.

Do not forget to read following article on natural home remedies to treat piles https://ayurveddoctor.com/natural-home-remedies-for-treating-piles.html (Natural Home Remedies for Treating Piles)

28 replies on “Ayurvedic treatment for Piles”


I am suffering from Piles for almost 7-8 months now. My age is 27 yrs

I did not realize that I have Piles for 1-2 months. After I realized I didn’t know whom to talk and how to tell.

I got married last month,this disease has affected my confidence.

I am also going abroad in April end. Could you please tell me if there is any treatment or shall I get operated.

Also tell me the duration of the treatment. The condition looks bad. I have more than 3 clots hanging out from the anus, it is very itchy, it bleeds when i itch. I try to control but the urge is beyond my power. It doesn’t pain otherwise.

I suspect that there could be some inside the anus as well.

My eating habbits are rich. I belong to a marwadi family. I drink 2ltrs water every day.

Please suggest a quick remedy. My wife is out of town for a month. Is it possible to treat it before she returns.


Piles is a completely curable disease, so first thing is don’t worry at all.
We will suggest you to visit a near by reputed Ayurvedic or Homeopathy doctor. Even we have seen homeopathy do wonders in case of piles and completely cures it.
Wish you quick recovery.


Start with Yoga and especially PLOUGH POSTURE, CHAKRA Asana, Cobra Piles…..Learn to stay in these postures and keep breathing instead of jumping in and out of these postures.

I am suffering from piles, can’t say exactly for how long bt in last 6- 7 months it bleeds sometimes and at that time i feel weakness in me. I generally face constipation. It is the case of external piles, i am also having pain and itching.i am of 27 yrs.
Please provide me its treatment.


I am suffering from piles. I don’t have bleeding its paining while walking & sitting external like pimple.


i am sufring from piles since 2006 and i am done lasser tretment surgey in 2006. but after this susrgey also present piles on ocatsnaly and currenty also i sufring in piles and not stop since 25 day. so many bleeding in toilet and pain and itching in whole day.

so, please suggest perment cure from this problem. my mail id

Dear Sir/Madam,
Iam an 23 yrs old. Iam suffering from piles problem since last 10 months sometimes bleeding at the time of tool. Itching and irritation are more i cant control i dnt knw how to say it is irritating me much. Please tell me to cure piles without operation plzzzzz

Respected Sir/Madam

I want to be in period early before my period date 15th
So, please suggest me necessary medicines & course details.

Earlier i had taken Anti Biotic tablet for the same.
but it was not suited to me, i had faced vomate & very pain in stumuck, that’s why i wish to use Ayurvedic Tablet.

I was suffering from non bleeding piles, developed 8 months ago, i followed pure diet control, eating more of fruits, avoided oily or spicy things. some light exercise. i got tired of taking ayurvedic medicines like pilex, arshkalp etc, bit it was only temporary. after a week the pain becomes severe.

What i believe is your digestion system should be perfect and no question of constipation. your stool should me smooth every time, because hard stool hurt the piles and they become severe, if they don’t get hurt , they disappear on their own.

One of my friend was also suffering from non bleeding piles, he suggested me to take 1/2 spoon Kayam Churna before going to bed every day. It worked. Now i don’t feel pain because stool is very smooth, no constipation. But i feel like size of piles has reduced and will disappear soon. please don’t take excess quantity, you can reduce or increase quantity as per your suitability.

My mom has piles of blooding and she had very much pain .she tryed to consult many doctors but they were not so well so I really want a best medicine for her bleeding piles she is now around the age of 36.

My mom has piles of blooding and she had very much pain .she tryed to consult many doctors but they were not so well so I really want a best medicine for her bleeding piles she is now around the age of 40.

Hi sir/mam this is manjula im suffering from piles from last 2 years! Im feeling like to cry while doing bowel movements i can’t bare this paining it hurts me a lot… And it is nonbleeding piles i have. Im 22 year old please reply me

Dear sir,
I am suffering from bleeding piles but I don’t know from how long it is with me. I realize it from last one month. It is very painful, it bleeds while stools and pain continues till go to bed. Please suggest me how could I get rid of this painful piles…..

I am suffering from piles last six months, Now I am taking help of Ayurved Medicine with the help of Ayurved Doctor, who recommended to take Abhyarishta along with Sapvinshati gugguklu and Hepano. Hope it will soon cure my pile.

Now i have been non bleeding piles since 2012.i am taking treatment. but not cured. what i can do now? Pls tell me good way.

Thanks for contacting us, but we strongly suggest not to take any medicine without visiting a doctor. Even Ayurvedic medicines varies depending on body type. Do not forget to visit a doctor as self medication is dangerous. All the information provided here should be treated as reference and not as final prescription.You can even contact a doctor here https://ayurveddoctor.com/search-ayurvedic-doctors-near-you

I am suffering from fishers and piles. I also have BP. 160/90. Due to stress my teeth are getting affected. also i need to reduce the stomach fat due to which there is pain in my legs,.

dear sir
i have internal piles grade2…..
some piles comes out during toilet….
i have itaching also…
sir please suggest me….my age is 22
…..from rajasthan

I Have got some herb in Nagaland aread. Traditional medicine. Can courier you if you send the address. It is for external use and people claimed to cure piles in 3 days application.

Thanks for sharing such an informative blog.The blog also provides information about the ayuverdic treatments for piles.This blog will be helpful to many people who are suffering from piles.

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