Ayurved Doctor

Home Remedies

Home remedies for cracked heels

Dry, cracked heels can be a nightmare for many people. If it continues, it will cause pain and irritation. Most of the time lack of proper attention towards foot care can lead to this problem. Cracked heel can have different severity, from minor cosmetic issue to severe chronic injury. Heel cracks are caused due to deficiency of the vitamin, age, unhealthy diet or lack of moisture. The skin on the feet is usually dry compared to the other parts of the body. It doesn’t have any oil glands, and it takes several sweat glands to maintain the moisture. When heel becomes crumbly and dry; the pressure from your body weight forces it to expand horizontally causing the cracking.

Causes of cracked heels:

  • Standing for long hours.
  • Less humid surroundings
  • Overweight can cause excess pressure on the feet pad that results in cracking
  • Eczema, psoriasis or any other skin diseases may also cause cracked heels
  • Wearing uncomfortable footwear

Home remedies to get rid of dead skin from the feet

In this post, we will discuss about simple homemade remedies that can help in preventing cracked heels.

Warm water

Warm water can help in relaxing the feet. It also helps in loosening the dead skin cells that may be causing the feet to become dry.

Fill a bucket or tub full of warm water. Place your feet inside the bucket for about 20 minutes. Use a scrub to brush out dry skin cells, then dry your feet properly with a towel.

Scrub to soften your feet

A homemade scrub can be used to soften feet with minimal effort.

Take two tablespoons of brown sugar, one tablespoon of lemon juice, one tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of olive oil. Take a bowl and mix all the ingredients. Mix them together until they form a thick paste. Now soak your feet in warm water for about 10 to 15 minutes to remove any minute dust particles. While keeping feet inside the tub, spread over it with the exfoliating agent and gently scrub your foot with moving your hand. After you are done rinse your feet. This scrub nurtures the dry skin and at the same time removes all the dead skin from your feet.


Foot Moisturizer

Foot moisturizer can help in smoothening the irritating and dry feet. Using this daily can also help in getting rid of the cracked heel as early as possible.

You can make your own homemade foot moisturizer by mixing one tablespoon full of petroleum jelly with 2 to 3 drops of lime juice. Before using this moisturizer soak your feet in lukewarm water for about 10 to 15 minute and then dry it using a towel. After your feet is dry, apply the moisturizer on your feet and cover them with cotton socks. With the regular application of the moisturizer, you can easily get rid of cracked feet.

Banana pulp mask

Banana is an excellent moisturizer and using it as foot scrub can help you in fetching good results. Take a banana and mash it up using a fork. Use this pulp on your feet. Keep the pulp on your feet for about 10 to 15 minutes and then wash it off with some lukewarm water. The pulp of avocado can also be added to the banana to compliment the effects.

This is quite straightforward and effective method. When used it will act as a good moisturizer and will offer much smoother and softer skin for your feet.

Homemade moisturizing cream

Take about 1 tablespoon of olive oil and add about 2-3 drops of lavender oil or lemon juice to it. Shake the mixture for some time so that they form a thick and milky solution. Apply this solution on your feet when needed.

This cream helps in nourishing and moisturizing your feet and you can apply it anytime of the day. But keep in mind to shake the mixture before application.

Paraffin wax

Paraffin wax is quite effective in getting rid of the dead skin cells and can help in lessening the effect of cracked and dry feet. It also helps in making skin softer by retaining the natural oil of the skin.

Heat some paraffin wax in microwave or a pan. Add a few drop of coconut oil in it. Mix them together to form a paste. Apply the paste while it’s a little hot on your feet. Leave it there for over a night and wash them off in the morning.

Glycerin and Rosewater

Glycerin helps in softening the skin and rosewater offers Vitamin A, B3, C, D, and E, which helps in moisturizing and preventing infections.

Mix equal quantities of rose water and glycerin and massage the solution on your heels before going to bed. Leave it there for overnight. Repeat the same until cracks starts to reduce.


The acidic nature of lemon makes it a perfect tool for getting rid of the dead skin cells. It can also help in cleaning the dead skin cells from your feet and helps in making your feet naturally smooth.

Take some warm water and add few drops of lemon juice in it. Keep your feet in the solution for about 15 minutes. Use a foot brush to scrub your feet to remove any dry skin. Once you are done wash and dry your feet.


Oatmeal is quite useful for dry feet. You can use oatmeal for making foot scrub that can help you in removing dead skin cells. It also helps in keeping your feet moisturized.

You can mix oatmeal with rosewater or milk. Use this mixture on your feet for about 30 minutes and then start scrubbing. Place the mixture on the lower portion of your feet and then scrub. You can also use a foot brush to scrub effectively. After you are done risen off with cold water. Pat your feet with a towel to dry. For more benefits, you can use it on alternate days.

Rice flour

Rice flour exfoliates dead skin cells and helps in keeping skin soft and smooth. Grind about a cup of rice into flour. Add about one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, one tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of olive oil. Mix all the ingredients together to make a uniform mixture. Keep your feet in warm water for about 15 minutes and then dry it with a towel. Gently massage rice powder paste on the heels for about 5-6 minutes. Rinse your feet with water and apply moisturizer. You can use this mixture daily until your crack heals.

Diet for cracked heels

As already discussed maintaining proper diet can also help in countering the situation. Some of the nutritional deficiency can also be stated responsible for cracked heels. Consuming foods that are rich in Vitamin A/E, iron, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids and zinc helps in healing process. Food such as carrots, vegetable oil, cereals, grains, whole grain bread, nuts, yogurt, milk, chicken, beans, fish, flaxseed oil and brown rice are good sources of some of these nutrients. Further consumption of plenty of water is also advised for keeping yourself hydrated.

These homemade scrubs and creams help you in healing your cracked feet without any side effects. You don’t always need to spend huge money on expensive spa treatments. Giving a little attention to your feet can help in getting rid of the cracks.

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