Ayurved Doctor

Herbal Plants Home Remedies

Bitter Gourd(Karela)- Sweeter Truth

Many don’t like the taste of Bitter Gourd(Karela) because of its extremely bitter taste. Children hate to have any curry in their plate made up of Bitter Gourd. But research says BitterGourd is many ways beneficial for the human. It has many vitamins and nutrients which help in building a healthy living. It is also known for its benefits in case of diabetics.This is also known to be helpful in Piles.

Below are a few points which may help you love the vegetable, i.e Bitter Gourd (Karela).

  1. Karela is known for its goodness to improve the immune system in the human body.
  2. Regular intake of Bitter Gourd as part of your diet is extremely helpful in eliminating skin aliments like psoriasis and other skin infections(Ringworm, athlete’s foot, etc.).
  3. If you are suffering from Cholera, here is a home remedy. Take two tablespoons of Bitter Gourd Juice(Karela Juice) along with equal amount of Onion and Lime juice. Take this home remedy twice daily. (Remember you can use this home remedy if the diseases is diagnosed in its early stage).bitter gourd
  4. Bitter Gourd is beneficial for Piles too. Take two tablespoons of Bitter Gourd Juice and mix it with a glass of buttermilk. Take this preparation thrice a day.
  5. For diabetic patients, BitterGourd is a blessing. There is a natural compound found in Bitter Gourd(Karela), i.e., hypoglycemic, which is known for its effectiveness to control sugar level in blood. It helps in glucose tolerance in the human body.
  6. Beta-carotene is found in Bitter Gourd, which is beneficial for healthy eyes.

If you see all the benefits discussed above, Bitter Gourd should be called Better Gourd.

Herbal Plants

Herbal remedy for Dark Circles

A majority of people have dark circles under the eyes. These look dull, and hence no one likes it as they spoil the look of the entire face. If you are also the one who is having dark circles and have tried all types of medicines and creams but are still finding it difficult to get rid of the dark circles, then you must know that you can easily get rid of dark circles with herbs.

Here are some of the herbs which you can use to get rid of your dark circles

Parsley: If you are fed-up of the dark circles beneath your eyes then use parsley. It is a herb that reduces dark circles under your eyes. This is because it has a very high content of chlorophyll which helps in the fading of the circles. To apply, froze the parsley in ice cubes and place them under the eyes. It is the best herbal you can use instead of eye creams.

Cucumber: We are all aware of how nutritious cucumber is. The other benefit of cucumber is it can significantly help in reducing the dark circles under the eyes. Apart from lightening the dark circles, cucumber also adds a distinct smooth touch to your skin, gives a refreshing sensation and helps you to feel relaxed. Apply slices of cucumber every 5-10 minutes and then see the effects. In the same way, you can also make use of potato slices.


Rosemary tea: Rosemary is another herb which you can use to lighten the dark circles. Use a cold compress of rosemary tea. Rosemary increases the blood circulation towards the eyes and hence reduces the effects of dark circles. To make rosemary tea, you need to add some rosemary into half-cup of boiled water and then soak it for about 20 minutes, cool it and then apply it beneath the eyes for around 10-15 minutes for at least one time in a day.

Nutmeg: A mixture of milk and nutmeg when applied on the eyes can greatly help in lightening the dark circles. To apply, all you have to do is take some herb of nutmeg and mix it with milk and then place it beneath the eyes for around 10-15 minutes.

These were some of the herbs which help to reduce the effects of the dark circles, lighten them and give you a fresh look.

Herbal Plants

Herbal medicinal plant: Arka

Name: Arka
Plant Name in Different Languages:
English :Blue madar
Hindi :Aka, Mandara, Akavana
Malyalam:Neela Erukku
Ayurvedic Properties:
Rasa : Tikta, Katu
Guna : Rooksha, Teeksna, sara, lakhu
Virya : Ushna
Plant Description:

Arka is a perennial shrub which grows up to a height of 2.5 meters and branches as well as sub-branches. The leaves of Arka are simple, subsessile, opposite, cordate at base and are ovate. It contains latex in almost all of its parts. Flowers of Arka are beautiful, in umbellate lateral cymes and are lilac in color. Fruits of the Arka are green with seeds, fleshy follicles and are attached with plenty of white coma.

Medicinal Properties:

The plant of Arka vitiates skin diseases, snake poison, inflammation in the joints, tridoshas, and rabies and chest infection. Arka is also a strong purgative drug.

Useful part: Latex, leaves, roots, and flowers
Juice of the leaves: one to five drops
Root-bark: 1-5 grams
Inspissated juice: 1-2 grams
Some indicative uses of Guggul in Ayurveda:
  1. The plant Arka works as a powerful cardiac stimulant.
  2. The root and the bark of Arka have numerous health benefits and act as a tonic, diaphoretic, expectorant, purgative and antispasmodic.
  3. The plant of Arka enhances the secretions of which help in the elimination of biles.
  4. It is known to treat various skin diseases, abdominal pain, joint pains, and toothaches.
  5. It also possesses a sedative action on the intestinal muscle fibers such as the rectum and colon thereby reducing irritation pain.
  6. It is also effective in treating all types of dysenteric disorders.
  7. Arka also helps in the treatment of syphilis, leprosy and even elephantiasis.
  8. The herb is also effective in treating several other disorders such as hysteria, epilepsy, fits paralysis and convulsions.
  9. The juice of Arka has depilatory, emetic, alterative, diaphoretic, acrid and purgative properties.
  10. The flowers of Arka when taken internally as a tonic stimulate act effectively on the skin and stimulate the capillaries and are helpful in treating leprosy, elephantiasis.
  11. The tonic made up of flowers of Arka also has useful effects on asthma.
  12. Milky juice of the plant acts as a gastrointestinal irritant.

There are many benefits of Arka when it comes to maintaining health. However, it is important to note that it is poisonous and should not be consumed by pregnant women.

Herbal Plants

Herbal medicinal plant: Arjuna

Name: Arjuna
Botanical name: Terminalia arjuna
Family: Combreteaceae
Sanskrit Synonyms: Arjuna, Viravriksha, Kukubha, Partha, Nadisarja

Plant Name in Different Languages:
English :Arjuna terminalia
Hindi :Kahu, Arjuna
Malyalam: Neermaruthu

Ayurvedic Properties:
Rasa : Tikta, Kashaya
Guna : Rooksha, Lakhu
Virya : Seeta

Plant Description:

Arjuna is a moderate sized deciduous tree which grows up to as high as 20 meters. The tree sheds it skin and its wood become wood once it finishes shedding. The leaves of Arjuna are subopposite oblong, are simple, coriaceous and crenulate. The flowers of Arjuna are seen in panicles of spikes and are white in color. Fruits of Arjuna have 5-7 wings and are ovoid of oblong. The flowering season of the Arjuna begins in the period from April to May.
Medicinal Properties:

Plant pacifies vitiated Pitta, Kapha, poison, wound, fever, skin diseases, and blends the fractured bones.
Useful parts of Arjuna: Bark.

Some indicative uses of Arjuna in Ayurveda:

1. With its light, astringent and dry qualities help to pacify Kapha whereas its cool properties help to vitiate pitta from the body.
2. Its astringent properties make it one of the best applications on wounds. It is also helpful in treating the bleeding arising out of diarrhea or bleeding piles.
3. Arjuna also helps to reduce the bilious infections. It serves as a tonic in treating liver cirrhosis.
4. It provides nutrition to heart muscles thereby strengthening. It corrects the disbursed heart rhythms and brings down the heart rate. This is effective in treating edema. Arjuna lowers the chances of formation of blood clots and reduces nervousness and stress. It averts the hardening of the blood vessels thereby preventing strokes and heart attack.
5. Arjuna can be effectively used as an adjuvant in treating tubercular cough. When used with rice water, sugar, and red sandalwood, Arjuna can help in treating hemoptysis. It helps to heal the ulcer and stop the blood emerging severe infection of lungs and bronchi.
6. Arjuna is also effective in treating urinary tract infections and in minimizing the burning micturition. It also has diuretic actions and is hence is useful in treating urinary bladder and renal stones.
7. Arjuna is known for its properties in treating skin disorders and is effective in the treatment of acne.
8. Arjuna also contributes towards sexual health. The decoction of the bark of Arjuna helps to relieve Spermatorrhea.
9. It is also effective in relieving excessive menstrual bleeding and leucorrhea.